A few questions for a second floor


New Member
Columbus, Ohio
I was planning on starting to create a '2-story' environment for my new leo. I was going to take a piece of acrylic with corner supports for under it and put it under half way up but I need to think of a way to do a bridge, so here's where my questions come in

Would a leo prefer a flat bridge (ie rocks or tile) to climb up with. I'm aware they have 'claws' instead of 'suction cups' on their feet so it would have to be sort of a rougher surface (correct?) OR would they climb up a thick branch.

Also I thought of getting those 'reptile hammocks' and placing it just under the edge of this second floor ("open air side") in case for whatever reason he loses his footing while being up on the second floor so it would 'catch' him... is this necessary? I thought maybe since there may be a bit of a drop off opposite the bridge.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Tree bark is a good bridge, and yes they can climb branches as long as it has a bit of texture to it. falling from a mid line second floor in a 10 gallon tank shouldn't produce injury unless he really lands the wrong way. Eros is a complete klutz and often just drops from the cold side resting platform (the one being held up by the branch on the left side of my tank in the pic I posted in your other thread) and he has yet to get hurt. It doesn't seem to phase him at all, he just keeps on going like it didn't even happen and that is about a 6 inch drop to the floor of his tank. He's even jumped offa my shoulder or chest to a table about 2 feet below his launching point and landed with quite a thud but has been fine. Scared the heck outta me but didn't seem to phase him much at all. Something else you can consider is those plastic aquarium rocks that snap together so you can make formations as you like, or taking some 4x4 ceramic tiles and gluing them together and making "steps" if you would. If you can use natural slate or are stacking stones make sure he can't dislodge them and have them fall on him if he is walking around/under them. that would be more likely to cause injury than falling off the branch going to the upper level. I find gorilla glue is really good at adhearing things like rock and tile together. All you need is a couple few spots dabbed with it and voila... they're bonded. You might consider still getting the hammock to have another alternative higher spot for over your hot hide, I have seen pix of some leos that love their hammocks but I don't think Eros would ever use one. He's such a shy fellow.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I don't even do a bridge. I just put the lay box on the bottom floor near the edge of the upper level and they get onto the lay box and then up to the second level.



i actually hung my second story from the top of my tank with stretched out coat hangers. i just took a piece of plywood and bent the wires around it and stapled them in place with big wood staples and bent the ends into hooks to hang on the top of my tank. it works great and doesnt take up any room on the bottom with legs, its very sturdy also so there is no possible way of falling either :main_thumbsup:





New Member
Jake, i just thought of that a few days ago but was too lazy to mess with it. Now that i see how well yours turned out it completely motivated me to build one

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