A little hope?

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Rio laid her 5th clutch today! One of the eggs was HUGE...it's a full 1 1/4" long. I am PRAYING that these are fertile! The other 8 eggs she laid were infertile. IF they are fertile, I should get my answer to the supplement question (I hope) because these were formed after I made the change to my supplement schedule. I'm crossing my fingers for a happy (striped) end to the season. :D

In additional news, I think Lost is actually going to lay another clutch! It has been nearly 8 weeks since the last time she laid....long enough that I thought for sure she was done. She spent that time gaining back all her weight, and then some! I noticed her belly was looking round from eggs and not fat, so I checked and I'm pretty sure I'm seeing some eggs in there. Her belly is so plump to begin with, it's hard to tell. :main_robin: It would be really nice to get some more hets from her, and these also should have formed after the supplement change. :main_thumbsup:
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New Member
Seminole, Fl
Good luck Shanti-I feel like our girls are mimicing each other. Mag jut laid what I think is her last clutch and I'm hoping they're fertile too-though they don't look like it yet. But I just put them in the incubator this morning. Anyhow, will probobly answer the supplementation ? for me too.

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Thanks everyone! It looks like one of Rio's eggs might be fertile. I hope, I hope! As for Lost, she's just a fatty-boom-balatty. I checked her again today...I didn't see any eggs, just a lot of belly fat.

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