A Tokay might be my first gecko


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
I honestly can't believe but Tokay Geckos have become my all time favorite geckos. I've learned to appreciate them when it comes down to their personality. I love the way God made them and I'm going to accept it whether it hates my guts or not xD!

Well, I won't have one for another month but I do have a couple of questions before I consider getting one. Are there any other good feeders that can be offered to a Tokay besides crickets and roaches? Its not that I'm scared of them but my mom hates them. Shes fine with mealies, superworms, phoenix worms, etc. Will a Tokay accept one of the worm type feeders instead? I read on this site that supers and phoenix worms can be offered as a staple: http://tokays.webs.com/dietplan.htm


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Tokays are my favorite species of gecko, they are beautiful animals are VERY intelligent lizards. Best advice I can give you is start with a captive born baby, try to handle it a little(5-10 min) every day and you'll have a good shot at earning it's trust. Even my WC adults calmed down quite a bit once they realized I was a source of food and not interested in eating them.

Unfortunately meal, super or pheonix worms are not appropriate as a diet for tokays. Most tokays won't eat worm prey, out of my 6 adults only one female will take super worms off of tongs and that's only occasionally. A base diet must be made up of either crickets or roaches. Other insects can be added for variety, but even if a Tokay will eat meal or super worms(pheonix worms are so small most adults ignore them, adult tokays really will only eat supers out of the worm group as the others are too small) if that's all it gets to eat it will quickly get overweight, in my experience, super worms have a high fat content. Tokays need active prey like crickets or roaches for exercise as well as mental stimulation(hunting behavior). So if you do choose a tokay you are going to have to deal with either crickets or roaches, with roaches, especially dubia, being the preferred prey of most tokay geckos.

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