A useful tool for basic information


Staff member
Somerville, MA
As an obsessive reader of GF, as well as editor and frequent contributor to Gecko Time I have noticed that I refer people on this forum who have questions to specific articles very often. Gecko Time has articles that will tell you how to:

--care for hatchlings
--sell at a reptile show
--figure out why your gecko isn't eating and get ideas to solve the problem
--figure out which substrate is best for incubating eggs
--breed on a small scale
--hand tame your gecko
--find a lost gecko

and many more things.

A lot of these articles were written by forum members. If you have a question about geckos, go to the site (www.geckotime.com) and type a key word into the search box and you may find a lot of information to answer your question (if you don't find that info and don't mind waiting a little while, you can submit your question and we'll find 2 experts to answer it in our monthly column).


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