Abbie and her Allergies


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Ok, so my dog Abbie has been suffering from Allergies for about 8+ months now. It started right after we moved into the apartment complex we live in. She started by rubbing her nose on everything, which we put her on an Antihistamine for and that worked for her nose. But she also started scratching herself like crazy, especially her back. It got so bad that she was missing so much fur that people were hesitant on petting her. I felt so bad for her!

The Vet did a whole bunch of tests to rule out any parasites and fungus, etc. Finally about 2 weeks ago we were able to do the Allergy test. It turns out that she is allergic to Dust mites and Storage Mites/Mold. I started her on her Allergy Meds last week and they seam to be working, but it is a LONG process. You have to start them on 0.1ML and work them up to 1.0ML to find there perfect amount of meds (All this using 1 vile of Allergy Meds). Then you have to use another Vile and start all over again, this time to find the needed frequency of the allergy Meds.

I also have to clean all of her bedding and anything she lays on once a week in hot water, keep her food in an air tight bin, and clean that out with bleach before refilling. I also need to get a dehumidifier to help with Mold.

All of this is VERY expensive but worth every penny to see her happy and healthy again! And, she has almost all her fur back!


It's a BEAUT Clark!
That can be so frustrating Jeanne! I'm very glad you guys were able to pinpoint what was setting her off. My parents had a similar issue with their Golden Retriever, Beau. He got to the point where he was losing all of his hair, and just miserable. Took them months to pinpoint what it was, and it turned out to be a chemical in the floor shampoo my parents were using. Poor guy couldn't get away from it!


New Member
New Jersey
Jeanne talk to your vet about the use of raw honey for the mold allergies. 1 tablespoon on her food once a day should help. It works well for my pit. I also use Apple Cider Vinegar to help change the pH of her skin to prevent her from getting fungal infections because of her sensitivity to mold. Has worked amazing!!!


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Yes, it was a long process, but it was well worth it to make her happy again! She is like she used to be, happy and smiling all the time again! She is such a good dog!


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Jeanne talk to your vet about the use of raw honey for the mold allergies. 1 tablespoon on her food once a day should help. It works well for my pit. I also use Apple Cider Vinegar to help change the pH of her skin to prevent her from getting fungal infections because of her sensitivity to mold. Has worked amazing!!!

I will definitely as my Vet about this! I hate taking medicine myself, and will do anything to limit the amount Abbie has to take as well. Thanks for the tip!

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