
Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
I'm not sure if anyone can really tell me anything I don't know already, but I thought I'd give it a try.

So here's what happened. I just started using my newly built rack system. I wasn't planning on doing anymore breeding this season. I did breed my female earlier in the season when she was heavy enough, an she laid two infertile clutches and is going to lay her third(and hopefully last, since she's a first timer) clutch any day now. I just started using my newly built rack system, and everything was fine for the first week. Stable temps, each leo in their individual tubs. However, last night I found one of my males in my female's tub. Turns out I pushed the tubs back too far, leaving a gap large enough for him to squeeze through.

I don't know if they mated or not. They weren't anywhere near each other when I found them, but I'm not sure.. You see, I bred my female because the breeder I bought her from(Very reputable breeder) said she was ovulating and that I should pair her with a male soon. I did and everything went fine, but for some reason she refused to eat between her first and second clutch and dropped a lot of weight. She started eating after her second clutch but has stopped to lay her third. I didn't want to pair her again because she dropped too much weight in her hunger-strike. Now she's about 36 grams and has possibly just been mated again.

I'm not sure if there's anything I can do at this point but I thought I would get some advice anyways.. I feel so irresponsible. =(


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Don't beat yourself up too much, it happens. You're right, there's nothing you can do but keep an eye on her and hope she's done laying. Good luck with her.



New Member
give her a waxworm inbetween clutches to stimulate some appetite and try to get her weight back up. If she lays a 4th clutch (or more) you will probably need to label them "pet only" if you cannot guarantee which male is the father. :(

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Luckily, I can(most likely) determine which male is the father. She's het for eclipse and my new male is eclipse, and my older male is not het for eclipse. So if I get eclipse babies, that's how I'll know. If they come out not eclipse, I'll have to sell them as pets. That's okay, though. I already have at least one person interested in getting a baby from me just as a pet.

I just hope this isn't too detrimental to her health. She really lost quite a bit of weight between her first and second clutch.


New Member
Try a waxworm every now and then to give her some added fat. Other than that, just keep her supplemented and give her a bowl of fresh-fed mealworms at all times. My gravid females prefer to eat from a bowl instead of hunting crickets. They gained alot more weight from the mealworm bowl-feeding, so I stick to bowlfeeding for the Leo's whose weight is verrry important.

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Unfortunately, she will not eat worms. =/ I don't know what her deal is. She's the only one I've ever owned that won't even eat waxworms. She will only eat crickets.


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
Oh, picky eaters are wonderful arent they ;) I hope that your male didn't mate with her, and if he did hopefully the eggs wont take. I had a male slip through a gap in the tanks earlier this year, but she never became gravid (from him anyways ;) ) even though they were in the same hide, curled up with eachother when i found them! Hopefully you get my luck with that! Good luck and keep us updated!

(and yes! another person with a rosy boa! :D I can never find anyone who keeps them out here...)
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Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Thanks. =) Hopefully I'll get lucky. And yeah, rosy boas don't seem too common. I love mine, I've had her the longest out of all my herps. She's sort of bitey, though. =P

Thanks for the help, guys. I'll keep you updated. Hopefully this will end well for me.


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
Fingers crossed! :D

And same here with the Rosy's. I have a 14-15 year old male that was my birthday present (that I picked out!) when I was two, and a female that has been in my family for 34 years. Neither of them are friendly, but currently they are in the process of breeding. He's been trying for so long, but she hasnt given birth in five years. I think she is just to old now :)

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Wow, 34 years? That's a long time. I've only had mine for, let's see.. Around 8 or 9 years? I used to have a ton of herps but had to give them all away due to unstable life situations. I've always wanted to breed my rosy boa, but I never really got around to getting a male and decided I'd rather concentrate on leopard geckos.


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
The owner of my local reptile store had a rosy boa (she was the stores "pet") and she was 86 when she passed away :) The only reason I continue to let them "try" is because they give live birth, and I have spare snake tanks. Plus I only have to house them through their first feeding, then I sell some to private homes, and the rest to the previously mentioned store. I started breeding them when I was seven! :D

The geckos are a pretty new world for me, considering that I have only kept live-bearing snakes since I was born. But for the past six years the geckos rule my life! (just check my signiture!) I absolutely enjoy their big personalities and their adorable little feet! :D

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