active protest

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
My school is absolute garbage. For the last 10 years theyve let us wear hats in the halls and stuff, just not in class. And carry our phones as long as they werent used in class. Yesterday they decided to say that all along its been written that neither is allowed at all. Period. And yet in our student agendas it said hats only had to be off in the classroom. And the cell phones could be on you so long as theyre not used. Like for emergencies. Then they decide they dont like that so they change it all. So what do i do? Made a tee shirt that on the front said

"Thomas J. Angelo. Prisoner Number 012243. Gates Chili Federal Penitentiary."

and on the back a list of grievances. Teachers students and security guards found this highly amusing to the point where a few took pictures. My grade level principal did not...oh well, mission achieved.


they did they same crap at my school. no phones, cameras, sandals, blah, blah, blah. *shrugs* They've even got this situation were they put everyone in 'lock down' and shove us all under desk and turn out the lights for 30 minutes.

Aparently they plan to protect us not teach us?

So i had a shirt made with a large list of what Edison High devotes support/influence upon is student body (which ofcourse was filled with garbage from front to back) at the very bottom in bold words it says 'protection' just out of sarcasm.

With Enrollment at EHS Your student Is Productively influence by
Chomsky and Normski respectively,
Jimmy Hoffa,
anyone from Merthyr with a fringe,
nautical star tatoos,
scene queen barbies with over ten trillion friends,
scene queen dandies with over nine willion friends,
John Singleton and his one idea,
Tim Burton and his one idea,
Mark Wahlberg and his one acting style,
Johnny Utah,
Gleamin The Cube,
Martin Goldberg,
bands with acrobats,
acrobats with bands,
bats with acrobands,
acros with batbands,
red heels not homemade italian sandals,
Kate Moss' love of ****,
girls who claim to be your friend but then talk **** about you,
boys who do the same,
Vince Vaughn and his mastery of comedy,
the word comedy,
the rapper 'Sean Smith' and his stupid hair,
Stuart Price and anything he puts his hand to,
underground jamaican dancehall,

^^ Im not kidding this crap lined a XXXL shirt from rim to rim. in like size 2 print. It was hilarious and i proved a point. but it earned me three friday schools
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No One of Consequence
Gotta be looking forward to a bright future with these outstanding citizens on the up and coming list.



lol, i found out from a good friends brother. that my old school in PA is tryig to prevent "gangs" from forming, so they are ridding the cafeteria of the smaller round tables to long prison style tables. hahaha. and they arent allowing any backpacks at all because kids can store weapons. IMO the only thing that school needs to worry about is seperate parking stalls for people who ride their farm tractors to school (not joking about the farm tractor thing either) i moved from there, to a big city school, the school in the city had the opposite problem. they were under protecting us, i had a guy point a gun at me becasue i walked by him when he was selling cocaine to another guy. he said if i told anybody i'd die. thats why im a dropout.......

the schools that never have to worry about bad things happening are the ones that destroy general freedom for nothing......and the ones that face problems every day, are the ones that dont care about us.
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The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
wilomn said:
Gotta be looking forward to a bright future with these outstanding citizens on the up and coming list.

Its kinda funny when one of the security guards who actually worked at a prison said its just how the school was becoming. Think about it. Gotta serve 4 years, crap food, small rooms, packed hallways, smells in some places.


New Member
We cant have gum, cel phones, hats, anything obscene. If you wear a hat into the schol, theres a dean there telling you to take it off. I started to get yelled at a dean because in the winter last year, i wore my hat into school every day without realizing i had it on. After a week of him telling me he told me i would get disciplined for wearing it again.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
LeosForLess said:
We cant have gum, cel phones, hats, anything obscene. If you wear a hat into the schol, theres a dean there telling you to take it off. I started to get yelled at a dean because in the winter last year, i wore my hat into school every day without realizing i had it on. After a week of him telling me he told me i would get disciplined for wearing it again.
You figure after a week of him telling you it would sink in...


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Kids here aren't allowed to wear hats or carry phones. Everyone has to wear uniforms and go through the metal detectors every morning. Most schools even require clear backpacks and have drug dogs patrolling the hallways. Your school sounds a lot more laid back than the one I went too! In a few years you won't care whether or not you could wear hats to school.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
LeosForLess said:
We cant have gum, cel phones, hats, anything obscene. If you wear a hat into the schol, theres a dean there telling you to take it off. I started to get yelled at a dean because in the winter last year, i wore my hat into school every day without realizing i had it on. After a week of him telling me he told me i would get disciplined for wearing it again.

I think they need to allow you to wear the hat for winter, as long as you take it off AFTER you get into the school. Why make you take it off before you get in, you could catch a nasty little cold allowing your head, ears, neck (if it covers it) to be exposed that quickly to feezing temps, even for a short time, after being all bundled up.

It's very sad that it has come to some of these types of rules in schools. It's sad that school is not our children's second safe place, home being first. And my husband wondered why it was so hard for me to allow our son to go to school, we were actually going to home school or have his sister, who's a teach, teach him.


New Member
We have double doors, and i didnt realize i had it on and i would walk to my locker when is right by the main entrance where i walk in, then take if off. I guess that mad him mad for some reason. If we laugh too hard in the lunchroom its 3 saturday detentions for disruption. Sophomores and freshman who get detentions have to serve them on a Saturday morning because we do 2-8 and seniors and juniors do 0-6 hour, and all detentions are served 8th hour. We got a drug sniffing dog and it checks all the time.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
Wow you guys have it rough. My school is really lenient. Backpacks and gum are allowed. Wearing hats in the hallway isn't really frowned upon, althought there are a few uptight teachers... I mean it has its restricitons but at least its not a prison. I feel for you guys, fight the power ;).


frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
my sons school doesnt allow mps or cell phones, but a couple of times when i picked my son up i saw kids walk out of the school with them. iagree with the no mp3s but dont agree with the cell phones because teachers and admin carry them. so students should be allowed if they are off,they say there are pay phones but my son says he cant find them.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
I walked by my principal today acting like i had hand cuffs on, she wasnt amused. im gunna keep pushing buttons until they do something. 1st amendment rights.


New Member
I agree that a lot of the rules in schools these days are stupid. I had stupid rules when I was in school too but if you think about it, Is it really that bad? do you really need to have a walkmen, gameboy, or electronic pet with you in school? No....not really. You should have cell phones though. alot of kids walk to and from school. If something happened to to my kid (if I had a kid) on the way home from school and was not able to call me because the school did not alow him/her to bring a cell phone to school, I would sue them.

I would feel safe with guards and metal detector in schools. I think it's a great thing that they are doing that now. But they should be there to protect the children not to harass them about having a hat on the second they walk in the door.

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