Adding another Gecko to Tank


New Member
So, I am adding another Gecko ( Bell Albino) so I will have 2 females living together. ( same age and size)

The only thing I was told to expect was Feeding could be an issue at first as they might eat a lot thinking they are competing for food. She said once they figure out that there is always enough to go around..... they will settle in.

Anything else I should be looking bad?

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New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Make sure there is no serious fighting. Some females are more territorial than others. I have had females that would just not get along. There is no guarantee that all will be perfect but most of the time females get along.

Good luck!


New Member
Miami, FL
Well, try to make sure they have at least 3 hide that everyone can pick and choose where they want to be. I also would also suggest 2 different food dishes, so dominance over food is less of an issue.

Make sure both geckos you are putting together have been quarantined properly (for at least 30-90 days)

Make sure your tank is at least 20 gallons...the general rule is 10 gallons per gecko...


New Member
also to make things alil easier is to take every thing out wash it down then place it all back in (sounds like alot of work eh) but geckos leave a sent to make where their territory so if you do this it will be a brand new set up for them and they are less likely to fight


New Member
also to make things alil easier is to take every thing out wash it down then place it all back in (sounds like alot of work eh) but geckos leave a sent to make where their territory so if you do this it will be a brand new set up for them and they are less likely to fight

Great advise! Makes sense. I will do that first thing in the AM.



New Member
Well, try to make sure they have at least 3 hide that everyone can pick and choose where they want to be. I also would also suggest 2 different food dishes, so dominance over food is less of an issue.

Make sure both geckos you are putting together have been quarantined properly (for at least 30-90 days)

Make sure your tank is at least 20 gallons...the general rule is 10 gallons per gecko...

Great advise on 2 feeding dishes!

On the quarantined issue..... I am getting the Bell Albino from Mrs Bell who picked out mine form the same breeding bin as my first. I asked. Good advise!


New Member
Make sure there is no serious fighting. Some females are more territorial than others. I have had females that would just not get along. There is no guarantee that all will be perfect but most of the time females get along.

Good luck!

I have a back up tank.........ready! Keeping fingers!


New Member
I hope you have more luck than me as ive had nothing but squables when trying to house my females together.

First Daisy was the bullied then the bully. Even though Peppa was much bigger than Daisy the last time i tried them together Daisy went mental and was chasing Peppa and biting her. After squirting them with water so i could separate them i have just given up on the idea of housing geckos together.

They seem fine on their own and id rather not stress them out. Freya and Bubba got on great when they were little but then boys will be boys and i had to separate them too.

Best plan is to be ready for the worst. I know they look so cute and friendly when theyre sat on ur hand but they can be the meanest little things to each other if they decide, "This is my box, get out!"



I think I have the brother to your new Bell Albino girl. Got him from Kim a few weeks ago.


I think you can see the family resemblance. He's been a bit skittish, but is slowly settling in.



New Member

I think I have the brother to your new Bell Albino girl. Got him from Kim a few weeks ago.


I think you can see the family resemblance. He's been a bit skittish, but is slowly settling in.


COOL!....... Yes you did! Same yellow and white band in the tail.
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New Member
I hope you have more luck than me as ive had nothing but squables when trying to house my females together.

First Daisy was the bullied then the bully. Even though Peppa was much bigger than Daisy the last time i tried them together Daisy went mental and was chasing Peppa and biting her. After squirting them with water so i could separate them i have just given up on the idea of housing geckos together.

They seem fine on their own and id rather not stress them out. Freya and Bubba got on great when they were little but then boys will be boys and i had to separate them too.

Best plan is to be ready for the worst. I know they look so cute and friendly when theyre sat on ur hand but they can be the meanest little things to each other if they decide, "This is my box, get out!"

Hind site is 20 20 as they say. I would not have tried to take one new.... after being raised by a breeder in a tank plastic bin...... shipped on an air plane..... than dropped in a glass Tank with another one.

They did not fight, yet Candy did wave her tail twice. I would bet she would be a dominate female.

Bella the the new Bell Albino has been trying to climb out of the tank all day. It's obvious she is stressed!

Maybe once she gets settled in and adjusted...... I might try to introduce them again. I'm just concerned that Bella is not longer but at least 25% bigger.

My main concern now is getting Bella adjusted and not stressed!


Hind site is 20 20 as they say. I would not have tried to take one new.... after being raised by a breeder in a tank plastic bin...... shipped on an air plane..... than dropped in a glass Tank with another one.

They did not fight, yet Candy did wave her tail twice. I would bet she would be a dominate female.

Bella the the new Bell Albino has been trying to climb out of the tank all day. It's obvious she is stressed!

Maybe once she gets settled in and adjusted...... I might try to introduce them again. I'm just concerned that Bella is not longer but at least 25% bigger.

My main concern now is getting Bella adjusted and not stressed!

The plane ride and introduction to his knew environment has been pretty stressful on my Bell Albino, Flick. He spent the first 8 hrs trying to escape his vivarium and didn't eat until the 5th day. Even now, he's in his hides all day and only comes out at night. Even when he's out, I have to crawl around like a cat burglar to get a glimpse of him, because if he sees me... it's back to the hide. He only appears to be familiar with Crickets, and has no interest in mealies or supers. Since your Bella is from the same breeder, that might be of some help... (looks like your Bella's not a picky eater though. :D)

He seems to be making progress though. I've yet to lay a finger on him, figure it will be obvious when he's ready.

Just takes time - I suppose.


New Member
I have had more luck. Bella has been out of her hide ( old zilla's) but did the same. Spent all first day trying to climb out. Which seems to kinda normal. But Bella ate 3 crickets tonight and I was surprised.

The only thing is she chased a couple and hit her nose on the side of the tank....ouch!

I am just going to take it easy like you. But Bella seems to like a watch us and not run.

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New Member
Kyle, our first, the Normal did like your new Bell. She would run to hide and would eat but not regular. It took about 4 weeks or so for Miss C to get settled. She would peep out of her hide but not venture out in the open.

Finally after she figured all was OK she began to venture out. Then like a clock went off... she seemed to be like "at Home" and with us. I did not attempt to handle her till I figured she ready. Then just took it slow.

I think feeding and cleaning her tank, poop, changing water, adding mealworms..ect helps. I think eventually they figure out who is the "dinner man" and Maintenance Guy there every day.

I think all will be OK. It 's just some ( like Miss C ) just want to be absolutely sure and are more likely to dart for safe cover.

Keep us posted....... I'm sure he will come around.


Kyle, our first, the Normal did like your new Bell. She would run to hide and would eat but not regular. It took about 4 weeks or so for Miss C to get settled. She would peep out of her hide but not venture out in the open.

Finally after she figured all was OK she began to venture out. Then like a clock went off... she seemed to be like "at Home" and with us. I did not attempt to handle her till I figured she ready. Then just took it slow.

I think feeding and cleaning her tank, poop, changing water, adding mealworms..ect helps. I think eventually they figure out who is the "dinner man" and Maintenance Guy there every day.

I think all will be OK. It 's just some ( like Miss C ) just want to be absolutely sure and are more likely to dart for safe cover.

Keep us posted....... I'm sure he will come around.

Yeah, I'm sure you're right... haven't given up hope. I can out wait a silly gecko. He's eating... think that's what's important for now.



New Member
The plane ride and introduction to his knew environment has been pretty stressful on my Bell Albino, Flick. He spent the first 8 hrs trying to escape his vivarium and didn't eat until the 5th day. Even now, he's in his hides all day and only comes out at night. Even when he's out, I have to crawl around like a cat burglar to get a glimpse of him, because if he sees me... it's back to the hide. He only appears to be familiar with Crickets, and has no interest in mealies or supers. Since your Bella is from the same breeder, that might be of some help... (looks like your Bella's not a picky eater though. :D)

He seems to be making progress though. I've yet to lay a finger on him, figure it will be obvious when he's ready.

Just takes time - I suppose.

Kyle... FYI. Both of mine are not eating mealies daily either. Same as you they eat crickets and seem to let the mealies sit in dish. They will go to them late at night or during the day and may eat a couple..... but don't seem to "want"them either.

I was thinking of just not feeding crickets and just mealworms till they went to them. But as being still "new" , I thought it was better them to eat than not. But it did take a while for mine to eat some mealies.

This "getting to know you" and adjusting is kinda of a pain. Like a new you want to play with it ...right now..LOL! Causes us more stress then them...LOL!


New Member
Yeah, I'm sure you're right... haven't given up hope. I can out wait a silly gecko. He's eating... think that's what's important for now.


Yes! Eating is GOOD! What I have seen is once they use their whole cage and go from warm to cool to thermoregulate. Their appetite picks up dramatically.
When they are in HIDE mode, run when they see you, it's slow going.


New Member
Fort Myers
another suggestion that I was told to do when I added my second female was to completely rearrange your vivarium. This might cut down on any territorial behavior on the leo already living there as she will have to learn the new setup the same as a new gecko does. I did that for mine and I had no problems whatsoever :)

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