hi thanks for your comment on my skinny leopard gecko ive uploaded some pics of her nw what would u recommened also added more info on that post if u could help me it would be much thanked for
Pls read message below between me and Tony, I was referred to you in hopes you could better assist me...
(Me to Tony)
Can you please give me a link to information regarding methods of euthanasia please. I have searched and a lot of forums and they seem just be more like debates then actual helpful info. I never in my life thought I'd consider such a thing but I have a severly deformed hatchling and would just like some info please. Ive seen you suggest feeding the hatchling to a larger herp but my others are not the kind that I could do that with. Any help is greatly appreciated.
(Tony's reply): Maia (JordanAng420) would be the best person to ask, she is a vet tech and could tell you the most current information on the topic.
---------- Thanks Maia, any advise would be GREATLY appreciated. Ive bred other herps and this is my 1st season breeding leos and unfortunatly my first deformed hatchling aside from a slightly kinded bearded dragon tail or something minor/cosmetic.
hi i got a new leo this past weekend he was fine for 2 days then he quite using his back legs. i have no idea of whats going on please help me. xoxo lp
Hi! His name was Mike from kingsnake.com. When I posted I had literally only had them for a few minutes so I hope he replies. I bought 4 and the other 3 are gorgeous (too tiny). They are ones I picked from pics but this one is not from the pics I was shown.
Hey, I was wondering if you could help me out with my gecko.
I need to know if it's possible for them to get an ear infection. Please check out Fallen_Angel's recent thread in the medical section as she explains it all with a video I took. (neurological problem, possible cause)
hi, was trying to find a response you posted where you spoke of some enigmas being tested for physiological 'things' sorry..lol, If i have the correct person, you're a vet, yes?
my name is Duane, i see you're creating a fight club thread, if you could tell me ANYTHING about this fight club thing it'd be cool..lol
so i feel like i am not in the dark ages..