Adopted water dragon


New Member
One of my fiance's mother's co-workers gave this water dragon to me because she felt that her daughter wasn't spending enough time with the lizard. Surprisingly enough, the WD seems very healthy (it's a male, about 18" long) despite being kept in extremely inadequately sized caging. They actually had UV lights and a heat lamp in the cage, but it was filthy and didn't appear to have been cleaned in months. I cleaned everything out and gave it a makeshift reptile carpet/paper towl substrate. I will be building a new cage for the WD asap, but this will have to do in the meantime.

Let me know what you think! :) I seem to be accruing herps at an astounding rate... right now I've got four leos, a crestie, a ball python, and a cornsnake in addition to the WD!

You can just see his head and upper body by the tan food dish in the pic of his cage for a size comparison.


Ghoulish Geckos
He's cute! I'm glad they realized it wasn't getting the proper care and decided to give him to you.:)


New Member
Very nice water dragon, Ive rescued a bunch of these guys and this one is in GREAT shape. Cage looks nice and big aswell.


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks

First off. If you are going to make a cage. You need a high cage. My WD cage is 6 feet tall, by 4.8 feet long, by 3 feet deep. It has glass doors, and it's wooden. It's has three UVB lights, three wooden shelves my dad built, cat little box sided water dish (you need a big enough water bowel for them to fit their whole body in) a live plant (large, very large), fake plants, reptile carpet, and custom made pillows made by my mom and I for the shelves. The pillows are made out of fleece.

From what I can see, that WD looks fairly large, so he will need a big sized viv like what my WD has, or a little smaller. But make sure it's really tall. WD love the tallness.

I just want this WD to have the best viv he could ever have.

I too have a rescue chinese water dragon. Pink (my WD) is a male, 3 (or 4) years old, and I found him in a swap or trade guild that comes out each week. He was $50 with a 55 gallon tall tank and 1 UVB light. The tank has a huge crack on the side of it. So I kinda got ripped off. But at least I know I saved a WD in need. He was on reptile bark and had a very small water dish when I went to pick him up from his old home. These people didn't even know the basic care really. Poor guy. They only fed him1 pinki mouse a MONTH!! God!


Wish you the best of luck!
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Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
Oh yah.... my dad built Pink's viv last year for a early Christmas gift. It cost him aroun $350 for everything. he had to stain it a few times, then put that stuff on that makes it water prof. Then he had to buy two large slabs of glass to make the doors (the glass has a wooden frame around it). The doors have a magnetic lock. It's awsome. I don't have any pic though. Very sorry.

Before I forget, his viv has alot of very thich branches as well.


New Member
Thanks for all the kind responses! The WD has been settling in nicely. He's trained to tong feed, and I've been giving him supers and various veggies/fruits (carrots, apples, bananas, etc.). I love watching him eat, he's so unique compared to my other critters.

I will be building a new cage as time and money allows. The one he lives in now would work really well if it was just a few feet taller, but I think it will be easier to build my own than try to modify this one. He has a good heat gradient, a big pool of water to swim in and another bowl to drink from (just in case), a food bowl, hides, driftwood, etc.

He seems pretty happy for the moment but I'm sure he'll enjoy the vertical view once I get his cage completed.

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