Advice with new baby dragon


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Yes, I leave veggies in shallow dish in the tank. When I tried a yellow plastic mayo lid as a dish, she didn't like it and would bite at the dish, so now it's a little brown kidney shaped animal dish and she's fine with it. It's not available all the time, so when I put her food in, if she's hungry, she goes right to it. I wonder if dragons have learned to procrastinate, thinking they can eat later if food is always there. They all have distinct personalities, food likes and dislikes, so it's really just a matter of learning your specific animal's needs and desires. I feed superworms sometimes, but freshly shed (white) ones, because she can't tolerate the shells. I used to do that in the tub too but now in her tank, and if she doesn't get them right away, out they come. Yellow summer squash makes her puke, so none of that (tried it twice to be sure). The adult dragons I had before did fine with it tho. My little girl loves mealworm pupae and absolutely goes crazy for crunchy mealworm beetles. I don't know anything about the beetle nutrition, if there is any value, but she gets those just as a treat and not actual food.

I've had her since she was a month old and introduced the tub at that time, so any discomfort she may have had about being it it was quickly gone once she started chasing crickets in it. Now she gives me a look of eager anticipation and I can't get the crickets in there fast enough :)


New Member
Bay Area, CA
Another idea.. won't work with crickets though. I give mine roaches, hornworms (occasionally), some recently shed supers (those I usually give right to her though), silk worms, butterworms, and reptiworms. Since none of those hop I bought a large low sided plastic container, something you'd find in the storage aisle, and use that as a oversized food dish. This way the roaches etc can run around and she has to give them some chase, but they are not all over her cage. I had a bunch of babies get loose and make home in her branches before.. which was a pain, so I try to avoid that.

It has to be low sides.. so of course its not going to work with crickets. She now lives in a rather large ex-snake cage so there is plenty of room for an oversized food dish.

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