Afghan Influence


New Member
A few people have asked my findings and opinions on this so I thought I'd make a post. First off I'm no expert on this and I would love to her other findings on this I know Kristy, Dusty and a few others work with these projects, so chime in please. Near with me guys writing was never one of my strong points.
Crossing a pure afghan to other morphs it always seems to dominated in some areas. These offspring have dark eyes identical to a pure afghan, a white nape neck yellow body with dark broken bands with some degree of white in these bands. Most seem the have very high contrast like a nice bold. Now breeding this offspring the eyes and bands are lost. With and afghan het eclipse by afghan het eclipse again this is my opinion only, certain traits seem dominant characteristics of an afghan eclipse about 3/4 seem to get it while 1/4 appear like any other eclipse. The eclipse hatchlings always have a crazy patern of dark brown to almost black on a rusty yellow to tan body. Tails are white with dark bands, and the nape of the neck always (for me) has a white band. Nose a feet don't so white as a normal eclipse would. When I hatch and eclipse like this I know I got what I'm looking for. And where most eclipses have there try form at arould 25 grams these keep changing till around a year old. There patern seems to speckle more with every shed though it is a slow process and are very small speckled in the end with little trace of the original pattern. Now with raptors from afghan het rap breedings the ones that seem to have some markings or spotting as hatchlings are the ones with the influence, unfortunately this much afghan in raptors seems to not yield great results. They tend to have nice yellow base colors with small orange spots which seem to brown up as the age. But mix one of these with a normal raptor and you will get some crazy yellow bodies with small orange speckling like a dorite. And the eyes seem to highly express the eclipse gene (solid ruby eyes) I also notice in both eclipse and raptor the eyes seem rounder and more doe like. Size of the pure x gecko seem to stay on the small side as a pure afghan is considerable smaller than a leo. Though once you breed down this is not true at all many cross are even larger than normal. Hope this helps Aliza. And again I'm no expert so I'd love to here input from others.
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