AFT out in the house since October


New Member
Well, This is my first post,
My 5 year old son and wife came home with a AFT last July from a reptile show.
It was going pretty well until the second week of October when somehow the glass front of the enclosure was left open over night.
He was gone. We looked everywhere and after 4 weeks decided the cat must of gotten him so we went to the repile show again and purchased an adult Leo gecko to go in our enclosure.

Sat 1-16-10:
I found the little guy curled up in a towel in the bathroom. He is skinny but not as bad as I would have thought. We threw together a temp enclosure for him with an UTH a PVC pipe hide and a water dish. He slept for the first 2 days with absolutly no interest in eating. Actually acted like he was scared of a cricket moving to the oposite end of the enclosure from the cricket.

Mon 1-19-10:
he became quite active, he comes right out when you walk into the room and if your misting the enclosure he goes to the end your misting and gets covered in the mist. But still no interest in food items. Tried Meal worms and crickets but still looks scared of them.

Thur 1-21-10:
He is very active, he really likes to be misted and will climb all over the enclosure to chase water drops and follows my finger along the sides. I offered meal worms in a small dish, he watched them for some time and even licked them a few times but would not eat them. Then one fell out of the dish and he ran over and ate it. It was great! but he would not eat any more. I took one out of the dish to see if it was the dish but he was un interested. In messing around trying to get him to eat a worm a cricket that had been hiding under the carpet came out and he ran over and ate it. Great! I went to the cricket container and dusted about 5 cricket and put them in with him. He ate all of them in just a few minutes. I think he would of eaten more but I did not want to over do it.

I will try to update this thread as things progress. My wife took some pictures and I will also try to post them as well.


Wow...that is amazing. Glad to hear he is doing well now and eating more. I normally feed my fat tails in a bowl but I wonder if they would prefer loose in the cage as well.



Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
What a good story. Well, I mean losing him must have sucked, but at least you found him! Alot of people dont find them. So congrats =] I really hope he thrives again for you.
Welcome to GF!


New Member
Here he is after we found him in the bathroom on 1-16-10.

Last night he ate 12 small crickets and I think would have eaten more if they had been offered. He hunted his enclosure looking for more crickets for at least another hour after the last one was eaten. He was so funny looking in all the corners and by his water dish over and over just hoping another cricket would emerge.
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New Member
The best I could do was get it to be my avatar sorry.

I uploaded it into my profile album and tried to link from there but no luck.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
As I posted somewhere else, I have a SW banded gecko juvenile (the adults are about 3" long and weigh about 10 grams) loose in my house since Sept. I saw it last week and have put in some new hides that are harder to escape from so hopefully I'll be able to catch it and "rehome" it in an enclosure.



New Member
Good luck to you,
We had thought about putting out a hide with a heater under it but figured the cat had gotten ours.
If this ever happens again I sure will be putting out heated moist hides.

I hope it turns out good for you

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