Age, Humidity, and Lighting Questions


New Member
Hello everyone!!
I just recently took my leo to the vet for a check up after an eye problem and the vet told me some things that contradicted information I have gathered through research so I was wondering what your guys opinions were on these issues.

Firstly she asked me how old he was and when I said he was around 13 she told me that was very old for a leopard gecko and that the oldest she usually sees is 9-10. I was there to get his eye checked (he keeps it closed and licks it a lot) and I also wanted to ask about his eating habits (he doesn't hunt food anymore, I have to put it right in front of him, ext.) and she dismissed both of these issues saying it was because of him being very old. However, I have heard that 20 is not an abnormal age for a gecko so I was surprised when she kept saying he probably didn't have much longer.

Secondly, after talking about age she told me that I needed to up the humidity to around 60%. She said because of his age a higher humidity will help him with digestion and keep everything working better. Again, I found this strange because I've always heard to keep it lower than 60%.

Lastly she told me I need to get a UV lighting. I've always used just a regular light bulb on a timer to simulate day and night but she said that he absolutely needs UV lighting to keep his body functioning smoothly.

I was wondering what your opinions were on these issues, especially UV lighting since I have read a lot of contradicting info on this. The vet I went to was exotics only and they have a very good reputation in my area but I would hate to be doing all these new things just because she told me to and have them cause problems for my lizard so I'd love to get your input.

Thanks in advance!!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I would guess that due to most people's husbandry she rarely does see leopard geckos as old as yours. I have heard that some people do recommend some UV lights for leos because it's felt that in the wild they may bask at sunset or sunrise and absorb UV that way. I would be surprised if a calcium deficiency is what is causing the eye to be closed, but I'm no vet. As far as the humidity goes, I also wonder about the humidity in the nooks and crannies leopard geckos reportedly inhabit in the wild. I think it's possible they do end up in somewhat higher humidity microclimates than we are aware, but I have no way of knowing that for sure.

I have heard 2 opinions about eye problems in leos, both from vets (these are actually problems and damage as opposed to the eye staying closed). There is an article in Gecko Time ( from a vet in FL about vitamin A deficiency causing eye problems. My vet feels that most leo eye problems are caused by the eye getting dehydrated because leos are kept at too high an ambient temp. I am hoping to get an email exchange going between these 2 vets and ending up with another Gecko Time article, but that hasn't happened yet.


SC Geckos

New Member
I have heard 2 opinions about eye problems in leos, both from vets (these are actually problems and damage as opposed to the eye staying closed). There is an article in Gecko Time ( from a vet in FL about vitamin A deficiency causing eye problems. My vet feels that most leo eye problems are caused by the eye getting dehydrated because leos are kept at too high an ambient temp. I am hoping to get an email exchange going between these 2 vets and ending up with another Gecko Time article, but that hasn't happened yet.

I would be very interested in reading that artical Aliza. I have read about the vitamin A deficiency, but not the dehydrated eyes due to ambient temps..... Interesting stuff.


Ridgewood, NJ
I would hesitate to contradict a vet that has seen an animal in person. If she was providing advice specific to your gecko and the issues it has, all those things could very well be good advice and help. If she is generalizing to all geckos then I might disagree with one or two points but as the others have said there is room for debate and no one right answer on any of them.

As for age, my vet also told me he sees a lot of Leos that start to go really downhill around 10 years old. Mine's only 7 but he was saying he considers that old since that's about when he starts to see them with increasing amounts of health concerns. The way you are making it sound she was a bit insensitive and gruff, but I do appreciate and tend to stick with vets who are realists and who don't suggest $500 worth of tests and medications for an animal who may be going down the natural path of old age.

Did you get some help and advice with the eye issue? Keeping my fingers crossed for lots of awesome updates as your guy improves :)


New Member
Thanks for all the eye information @acpart! I will definitely look into that!

@DrCarrotTail, I thought the same thing, I made all the changes she suggested right away but I thought I should consult the forums in case there was a clear consensus of doubt about any of the information. I have a few relatives who are vet techs and after hearing their stories about some doctors they've work with I've become a little bit wary. :anxious:
She was a bit gruff, but just like you said I really would prefer that, as long as the information is accurate. I unfortunately didn't get much info on the eye issue, she did tell me it was nothing to worry about but I'm still doing some reading. It began a couple of months ago and I think originally he had some retained shed left over but when I got him checked out they said it was just inflamed for one reason or another and gave me eye drops. I gave him all the drops, occasionally getting small bits of retained shed out, but he never stopped keeping it closed or licking it. When I brought him back I mentioned again that I thought it was a shedding issue but she said that it was probably just damage from the original problem causing sensitivity. I was given more drops and again it seems to be moving around the shed in his eye ,as I can see some in the top of his lid, but not getting it out yet.
I'm crossing my fingers that this round of drops might work all the skin out! Thanks for taking the time to respond! I'll definitely update if there's any eye progress.

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