Albino strain confusion

Scaled Projects

New Member
Hey all,
I got this wee fella last year, and he proved his masculinity by bringing quite a few babies :D
I bought him as a Rainwater Hybino...

eye picture:

I didn't really stop to reconsider at any point, until 2 days ago when one of his babies, born from a breeding with a SHTCTB, was different from the rest... something like a very dark albino. The eyes are very dark and I see no red, but from what I understood it's not something you can always see from the start.

Since it is rare that hets for Rainwater pop up unannounced(at least here), I wanted to have the original Hybino re-evaluated to see if he's indeed a Rainwater or perhaps Tremper?



Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm not clear about what happened. What did you breed him to besides the SHTCTB? Has he produced any albino babies? If the SHTCTB is not albino or het for albino, why would you expect an albino baby? As you can see, I need more detail to figure out what's going on and what your question is. It's not clear to me why your outcome is making you wonder which strain of albino he is.


Scaled Projects

New Member
I guess that to someone from the states this would look a bit chaotic... well you see, we get Leopard Geckos mainly by import... they are bought by a dealer from whatever vendor he manages to buy a large amount of geckos. In some cases, the geckos are misrepresented(the morph on the cover isn't accurate), at some, the description is accurate but at some point boxes switched covers.... in short, it's a bit of a mess.

At any rate, a local breeder bought a male albino that was labeled as Rainwater. He produced het babies and homozygous babies, and I bought the Hybino you see above.

I acquired imported females... hets are never known so I can't be sure of anything.

Up to this point, no albino was born(he bred 5 females in total)- but, with the first clutch of one of the females that only recently joined the fray, this popped out:

Since Rainwater seem a bit rare, I don't know which of these scenarios were more likely:
1- My Rainwater is actually Tremper, and only that female ended up being het Tremper as well.
2- My Rainwater is Homozygous Rainwater but het Tremper.
3- That female is simply het Rainwater.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I would say that the most likely situation is 1 or 3. Unfortunately, since you can never be sure what you're getting, unless you can test breed with a known gecko, you're out of luck. Are you in contact with other gecko breeders in Israel? I know there's at least one other Israeli on this forum and I've seen at least one reptile forum in Israel in Hebrew. if you can find someone with a known Tremper or rainwater, you can test breed. If you do this, pick either rainwater or Tremper (if you get the choice) and see what happens. It also may be that someone else on this forum can identify your gecko's albino type by looking at the photo. I don't have enough experience with rainwaters to tell you.


Scaled Projects

New Member
Yeah I'm a mod in that one you probably saw... and I know most of the Israeli breeders.
Rainwater is too much of a rarity here... the only source I know is the one from whom I brought mine.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
You could always start with the Tremper test pairing, though if a rainwater were available that would be the way to go first.

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