Alex Hue Pinstripe

T - Dragons

New Member
The Netherlands

I've just found 1 bad egg, from my Pinstripe female, bred by the Mack Snow Bell Enigma male, well maybe it was a good egg, but she didn't lay it in her egg-laying box, and there's juice coming out of it. She still has got 1 good egg in her, but I'm not expecting much from that. Hopefully some more will follow, good ones I mean of course:)

But here's another "dilemma", let's say the Pinstripe female won't produce any good eggs this year, what do I do next year ?

1. Breed the Mack Snow Bell Enigma to her, to produce some more hets for 2011, so I can then breed het. Pin to het. Pin, to see wheter it is recessive.

2. Breed my Mack Snow Enigma het. Bell het. Pinstripe to the Pinstripe female to see what comes out of that. Leaving me with no other double hets.

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