All my breeding pairs (I think...) for the season


New Member
Canandaigua, NY


Um, I didn't change a thing about their coloring.
What you see is what they look that light.
I do think a few of them are over-exposed, but they were not photo-shopped to look that way. I was taking their pics right next to a light AND using my flash.

Do you actually think I'd be THAT hypocritical that I'd start that thread, and then post some pictures of some of my geckos I've changed the color of??

Are you serious???

Nice try, though.:main_rolleyes:
OF COURSE you'd only think that after reading my thread!:main_rolleyes:

Thank you to the rest of you!:D
I am sorry I didnt mean this as a personal attack I was just saying what I thought was going on with the photos but I am obviously wrong.

I didnt know that this extra brightness could be fault of too much light? or being over exposed(is that the same thing?)

I know nothing of photography(as you can see by the really lame photos that I take) I was just saying what I thought I saw and I thought you said something about slightly changing your photos.

No I wasnt thinking that just because of the thread. You were making a discussion out of it so I thought I would try to participate. Like I am a student and you are a teacher kind of thing... I didnt mean to offend.
I was thinking that some geckos on here do look photo-shopped and maybe I am wrong and its just super bright lighting that is making them look that way. Or maybe its my computer.

Now I am just totally confused... I am sorry :(
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60 miles south of Chicago
Thank you, Robin, Kelli, steve, and Kristi :D

I guess I misunderstood you, RampantReptiles.
I thought you were accusing me of photoshopping my geckos.

I've got a sinus infection, and I am not feeling too well.
I can be a royal "B" when I'm sick.

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