Always good to meet new people


New Member
Hi. My wife and I have been keeping reptiles for several (about 9-10) years now. She is a Ph.D. candidate in biochemistry, and I am a lab tech who works with chemical warfare agents. I am an OIF vet ('08-'09) and love the herps we keep like children. Our collection as it stands now is:
1.0.0 Northern BTS - Coomassie
3.5.0 Leopard Geckos - Nekro, Psycho, Bubba, Clemintine, Belle, Spitfire, Das, and Miracle.
0.2.0 Golden Gecko - Major Gex and Sassy
1.0.0 Leopard Tortoise - Herbert
1.0.0 Red Corn Snake - Hellvis
1.3.0 Crested Geckos - Zeus, Galena, Citra, and Amarillo
0.0.1 Fire Skink - Habanero
0.1.0 Childrens python - Curie
0.1.0 Black Mexican Kingsnake - Dahlia
0.1.0 Tokay gecko - Galactus

I look forward to being an active member on the boards and meeting all of you. Some of our other hobbies include firearms (mainly antique military), homebrewing (beer, wine, and soda), going to punk and psychobilly concerts, and tattoo collecting.


New Member
Here's a good start as far as pics go:

It has some old pics in there from Houdini (our first leo who died shortly after I got back from Iraq), Baby, a short lived dive into the world of Phelsuma grandis, and a random collection of old enclosures. Everybody now lives separately in their own stackable tank.

There are also pics of tattoos, beer labels, and leo hatchlings from last year (our first breeding season).

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