Amri! My first gecko


New Member
This morning I hardly slept at all and my mom woke me up about 7:45 to wait for Amri, the temperature got a lot lower than what it was projected to be and actually frosted! So I was worried sick, I got the box and couldnt even feel the heat, I tore the box open as fast as I could, checked the container, he was upside down under a paper towel and I swore he was dead until he wiggled around trying to right himself so I helped him out and he perched for a few moments while adjusting. I let him stand like that for a while then slowly lowered the cup into the tank and let him crawl out on his own. He explored a bit then went into his hide and peeks out at me when I come into the room.

Alright these images are really crappy I just wanted a few quick shots before I put him away!


Sorry they are a bit huge and crappy
And here he is in the tank, its really dark so I didnt even bother putting it in the post lol
So he seems alright, Im a bit worried about the temps in his tank but hes been decently active for just getting here and I turned the heat up in the house.

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
He's a High Yellow ph Tremper. ;] It's written in the paper work I sent you, his mom was het for Tremper.

GLAD he arrived safely!!! I checked the weather around 12pm last night and tried to stay up all night until I saw he made it to the hub. I was getting worried. Then I passed out at 3am. Lol. 6am your time.

Enjoy little Amri. =] He's a cutie.


New Member
Thanks everyone :D I'm very happy with him! I can't wait for him to settle in so I can start handling him. He was eating mealies earlier so I'd say he is adjusting alright. And wow Allee, I was only up until about 4am my time so I could get some sleep before he arrived xD had my mom make sure she woke me up before 8am and also set two alarms haha.

Did you name him after that boy in the book The Indian in the Cupboard?

I actually never saw or read that D: but I looked it up, the boy's name is Omri, similar but Amri is named after an old city in Pakistan (since thats where leos are from)

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