
New Member
that every person that gets a gecko and has no experience wants to breed them like a month after they buy them. they do not know how to keep them let alone breed, hatch and care for geckos. and heck next thing ya know they have a web page up even though they have NEVER produced one gecko that has something on it saying something like "your one stop for all your leopard gecko needs. quality bloodlines and offspring at reasonable prices"

offspring? they never bred. how can they talk about there one stop place for geckos and info when they JUST got into leos maybe a month or two before (ok i am exaggerating but for not long) then actually still dont know jack and have not even produced ONE single gecko let alone enough to make it a business. and how can they price something they have never even produced :main_rolleyes:

i MEAN COME ON just because you have hatched a leo or two does not make you a breeder and it does not make you an expert. most people get one gecko, have no experience with it and immediately want to breed it.

it's like over population in cats and dogs. you would be surprised how many geckos (yes leos) get sold off as snake/reptile food. heck, i say leave the breeding to the breeders or at least the more experienced
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New Member
moved from texas to italy
:main_thumbsup: YOU ARE MY HERO! (for the second time) :main_laugh: :main_laugh: :main_laugh:
more time i spend with people more i think the only right way to love animals is see them in their natural life......


I am new to geckos and would agree with you. I enjoy my gecko and plan on having a few of them, but I have no intention of breeding. I don't think anyone can be a responsible breeder that has not had the time to research what they are trying to do, nor that has the experience to breed an animal. In my opinion if someone wants to get into breeding, then they should find a reputable breeder and have them help teach them more about the breed and then eventually help them get started in the breeding process.

As for the "One stop shop....." I believe I found that site. I didn't know anything about him, but I sent him 4 emails over a period of 10 days requesting pics and information on available geckos. I never got a response.


New Member
marula said:
:main_thumbsup: YOU ARE MY HERO! (for the second time) :main_laugh: :main_laugh: :main_laugh:
more time i spend with people more i think the only right way to love animals is see them in their natural life......

yup. learn to keep them, see them, experience them and then once you have the knowledge and know how, then breed, if that is what you decide. most people think they are going to make a killing off selling the animals most people do not even come close to getting a return on their initial investment. and they think they can quite there day jobs and just breed and sell geckos. WRONG. 99 percent of the people that breed will not make their money back but they do do it because they love the animals because it sure isnt (in most cases) because they make money. it cost allot to breed and to keep geckos. consider in feeding, supplies, caging etc.
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New Member
jmkbama said:
I am new to geckos and would agree with you. I enjoy my gecko and plan on having a few of them, but I have no intention of breeding. I don't think anyone can be a responsible breeder that has not had the time to research what they are trying to do, nor that has the experience to breed an animal. In my opinion if someone wants to get into breeding, then they should find a reputable breeder and have them help teach them more about the breed and then eventually help them get started in the breeding process.

As for the "One stop shop....." I believe I found that site. I didn't know anything about him, but I sent him 4 emails over a period of 10 days requesting pics and information on available geckos. I never got a response.

i agree
as for the one stop shop.. it's not just one place in specific its many people and many sites


Well I am new to breeding, but I did wait a year before I did that. I also don't think I am an expert by any means because I know I am not.

But a lot of people think they are going to make money quick I guess, from what I hear most people hardly break even a first year into breeding.

So far I would say I've spent well over $1,000 buying geckos, food, racks, etc. That's the only the start of it to, it ain't cheap by any means but I knew that before hand.


I believe that is the same for any animal. I bred my basset hounds back in college once (through artificial insemination and with the help of the breeder I got my male from, both bassets were show quality). We had a litter of 8 healthy puppies, no real runt and all were sold before they were even born at an average of $400 each with limited registration. Even with that it was not worth the time, cost and effort to breed them. They were both fixed after the last puppy went home, even though a person who wanted to show the male showed up and tried to convince me and the vet not to neuter him.

I don't see how anyone breeds animals that are in it because they want to better the breed. Even if you turn a profit doing it, it can't be enough of a profit to offset the time and energy it takes to raise them.

Good rant Robin, even being new to the site and geckos, I had already been thinking the same thing. Have a great day.


New Member
this is just something that has been bothering me for some time. your example of breeding the bassets is a perfect one and you are right it does take allot of money and energy to do it.

thank you for posting and enjoy your geckos :)
Tampa, Florida
I breed leopard geckos, a few crested, dragons, red tail boas, and ball pythons. I could have bought a house with all the money I have invested. Food alone costs a few hundred a month for all my animals.

Why do I do it? Not for the money that's for sure. I do it because I love it! It's a great hobby. Many people don't realize what it takes to properly take care of more then a couple animals. For us, it's a full time job.

I think Leo's especially are a lot of work. My 70+ snakes are a lot less work then a smaller group of leo's.


New Member
Sunshine State Exotics said:
I think Leo's especially are a lot of work. My 70+ snakes are a lot less work then a smaller group of leo's.

i definately agree :yes:


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Heck Ive been producing leos for about 4 years and I still do qualify myself as a breeder, I think it will take me til year 5 to think I qualify for that ranking in the gecko world.

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