Angel is no longer shy!!!!


New Member
Pickerington, OH
My sweet Angel is still not eating, but her personality has changed! She is not the shy little jungle girl hiding in her hides all the time. She has been coming out and crawling up on my hand on her own!!!! I am so excited to see her becoming more social! Now if I can just get her to eat! GRIN

Here are the pics!

This is Angel on her cool hide...


This is Angel climbing on my hand by herself!!!


This is Angel on my hand....


Angel surveying her domain...


And Angel looking out from one of her warm hides...


Thanks for letting me share!



New Member
Very nice :main_thumbsup: lovely :main_yes: .If you have a warped sense of huma you can see a rude man on her head :main_laugh: :main_laugh: holding his hands up with his man hood :D :p :main_laugh: :main_laugh: .


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
So Kathy, how did you get her to stop being so shy? Anything special? I am having the hardest time trying to train mine and I am beginning to think it just isn't going to happen. The ONLY time I can get her on my hand is if I put a mealworm by my wrist. But once that mealie is gone, she goes running off. Very nice pics, by the way.


New Member
Pickerington, OH
Thanks everyone for your kind words!

I was beginning to wonder if I made the right decision buying her because she was so shy and won't eat. Well...we think the not eating part may be due to ovulation as she will be 1 yr old next month. Her fecal tested clean and she has lost some weight, but is still at a healthy weight.

I bought her from a college student that advertised her on the classifieds on this list. If I remember correctly, I think Scott was checking out her enclosure that was for sale in the classified section. <grin> I wanted the enclosure for Jackie but ended up buying Angel, too. I felt bad that Max was having problems finding her a home, so I bought her and her tank!

Scott, as for what I did to tame her or help her become more social...I am not sure what it was...I did end up backing way off and just treating her like a baby; I just laid my hand in the tank and didn't try to touch her or anything. I still did the normal changing of water and mealworms, but didn't make any attempt to interact with her. I noticed when the temps warmed up outside she would start sticking her head out of the hides to see if I was watching (her tank is right next to my computer desk). One night I looked over and she was staring right at me. So I sweet talked her and opened the tank. I put my hand palm up on the floor like I had been and she slowly came out of her hide, licked me all over and walked up on my hand. I just kept still and she walked off. Over a period of repeating the same steps she started climbing up my arm. It's always on her terms and I haven't tried to restrain her or pick her's all her idea. I hope that with more time she will allow me to check out her underside for follicles and eggs, but for now patience is key so we can build up trust. I am also hoping she will eat soon! So far her weight is remaining good so I try not to worry too much! LOL

I am just so excited that she is becoming more social....I have been waiting for a long time for this...I think I was trying too hard before. A combination of everything I think has made the difference with her.

Thanks again everyone for the compliments! I think I am getting a better idea how to use my camera and with a model like Angel how could I go wrong?



Gazz said:
.If you have a warped sense of huma you can see a rude man on her head holding his hands up with his man hood .

OMG...I totally saw that too! LOL too funny

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