another dissapointment


New Member
surrey bc canada
well i have been checking my layboxes daily but I guess koda buried hers in there and i didnt find them until today when i cleaned them out and they were very dented and caked in the coconut so i cant even tell if they were good , they could have been laid anytime in the past 3-4 days. i didnt think they buried them im used to bonnie who just lays them ontop. I threw them in the incubator to see if they pop back up but not to hopeful. not looking like a good start to this 1st season :(


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Sorry things aren't going well. During this season, I not only check the layboxes from the top and the bottom (mine are plastic) but I also check the geckos' bellies and if anything looks different, I go digging a little more seriously in the lay box. I hope things go better with the next clutch.



New Member
Toronto ,Canada
well i have been checking my layboxes daily but I guess koda buried hers in there and i didnt find them until today when i cleaned them out and they were very dented and caked in the coconut so i cant even tell if they were good , they could have been laid anytime in the past 3-4 days. i didnt think they buried them im used to bonnie who just lays them ontop. I threw them in the incubator to see if they pop back up but not to hopeful. not looking like a good start to this 1st season :(

another suggestion is if she has been laying try to keep track of when she last laid eggs so u can determine roughly when shes laying again.Also keep checking stomachs or bulges.i can see the eggs from the sides.I write all my info in a journal.I have 6 gravid females right now so I write everything down.I know exactly to the day when each female will lay.Its like clock work


New Member
surrey bc canada
ya i have been checking bellys and with my blizzard its easy but koda is huge and chunky and she always looks fat lol i soulda known when i seen her at the food bowl mowin down like crazy . another lesson learned :(


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
ya i have been checking bellys and with my blizzard its easy but koda is huge and chunky and she always looks fat lol i soulda known when i seen her at the food bowl mowin down like crazy . another lesson learned :(

Dont beat yourself up over it.Write down the date she laid and start checking for eggs starting on the 10th day and on and keep track.we're always learning

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