Another question ..about breeding


New Member
Alright well I made a post before ..but I'm not able to find it to add on to so I Hope you don't mind me making another thread.

But another question I have it ..

1.When the female is ovulating how many times can I offer the male to her?
If i put him in and the mating is successful, does that mean that I'll have fertile eggs? if so ..all the eggs she lays will they all be fertile then from the first time breeding? ... or is If, i put him in and no mating happens then just keep trying? if the first time is successful .. do I still keep putting the male in ?

If I keep wanting eggs to be fertile ..and she lays one clutch do I have to put the male back in with her? or will the stored sperm she has fertilze the next clutch?
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New Member
Chances are with a first time pair the eggs with be infertile. Even if the mating is good. There both still getting the hang of it. Immature males compared to males who know what there doing take a bit to get it. Females too. NOT saying there is 0 chance that the eggs will be feritile but the first couple of clutchs tend to be infertile due to there in-experince with mating. Nothing wrong with them just they dont know what to do lol.

I'd allow the male to be with her see how things go. If she's ready she'll allow him to if not she'll let him know shes not ready. I'd leave him in there a week or so, thats just me. Some people put them in one day then take them out the next then re do it a few days later and so forth. That bit comes down to you and your female.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
It's not a guarantee that any eggs from a first time female will be infertile, it's just a good possibility. I had two new females this year, and one laid 8 of 8 good eggs, all hatched. The other one laid 20 eggs, and the last three clutches were bad, which means she laid 14 good eggs her first year.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
Same as mentioned above but id also like to add, introduce the male and female then keep introducing them once a week or so until the female is gravvid, once she is gravvid its a good idea to introduce them for another mating session after each clutch has been laid. This is supposed to increase the fertility rate, ive heard. I do this method and i get good results but ive not actually tested if it does improve fertility rates.

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