man, im lucky. one morning, i found all the crickets dead. u know y? CUZ OF ANTS. good thing i put the cricket cage in the bathroom. my gecko couldve died!
my boy has been having that problem... since it's been like, record breaking hot here in LA, the ants are insane... i had to spray around the chicken coops and roach colonies... horrible...
I get carpenter ants in the cricket cage during the summer (they seem a lot more interested in the gutload than in the crickets). This past summer I sprayed cooking oil around the outside edges of the tank that crickets were in and the ants couldn't get in anymore.
Yeah I used to get regular "sugar" ants in all my reptile cages at my parent's house. They would just go straight to the water dish & back out again. I moved the tanks, sprayed and everything, but they kept finding ways to get in. They must have been really thirsty.
hmm, ants dont seem to be a problem here in england, and even if any ants got near my leos it couldnt kill them, the ants in england are just plain and harmless.
lol i call the plain ants sugar ants for some reason, although they never go after sugar...hmmm...anyway...the ones i had problems with were an orange translucent color.