Any ideas what is wrong with her?


New Member
Well it seems i am having no luck this year at all.

A few weeks ago Daisy became egg bound. She was strugling to pass it for a few days so i took her to the vets. A calcium injection, medicine, more medicine and then an operation appointment later she finally decided to pass it herself the morning before the op.

Things seemed to get back to normal...she was eating little bits and still on calcium medicine and some sort of care formula.

But now she is flat out refusing food, hates the sight of a syringe, doing bright green poop splats and has lost a lot of weight and seems a little off balance.

Took her to vets on Friday and they gave me some antibiotics for her. She hates it so much she is trying to vomit it up as soon as i get it in her and tonight she seems to have brought most of it back up again.

Im gonna have to take her vets again on monday but does anyone have any ideas what it could be as the vet seems a little stumped.

Her temps seem fine, she has fresh water every day, i am bathing her and trying to make sure she is getting plenty of water, her food is dusted...she just seems so stubborn :(


New Member
north east ohio
maybe the problem is the VET!! sounds to me like they are giving a bunch of crap she may NOT need. all the meds they are giving her is probably not good on her systems. i dont know, i could be wrong...but maybe take her OFF the meds and see if she dont get her appetite back within a few days. others may chime in here, but this is my opinion.


New Member
I have faith in my vet. He was great when Bubba hurt his tail and to help Daisy pass her egg without needing the operation.

Before she stopped eating she was on mealworms like my others and and they are all fine.

I phoned the vets yesterday to tell them i was having problems feeding her the antibiotics and the receptionist said to just try and get her mouth open and squeeze it in.

I got some in but she is so weak she wont even get mad enough to bite the syringe. When i gave her a soak i had to keep lifting her head cos i was scared she was going to drown herself :(

I am getting her in today whether they like it or not. It feels like shes dying on me and im not having that. If she does some poop im taking it with me and getting them to test it for parasites or something because there is something seriously wrong with her :(


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Antibiotics are harsh on a weak gecko. It's sort of a catch 22, they need it but have a hard time tolerating it. Be certain she needs it (confirmed infection), and not try it because nothing else is working. There are also times when a gecko becomes egg bound and nothing can save them due to internal issues. To soak her, you can try using a prop of some sort for her head to lay on or elevate one end of the bath container to keep her head out of the water. Forcing a syringe in a gecko's mouth is stressful for them. I've had great success just dotting meds on their little lizard lips with a baby spoon, mixed in a dab of slurry and they lap it up.


New Member
Sadly Daisy passed away this afternoon :( She just kept getting weaker and finally gave up around 3pm.

We had vets appointment for her at 5:30 so we took her in to check it wasnt from something contagious.

The vet said it was probably due to her being egg bound for a while as she just didnt seem to recover from it.

It has come as a massive blow to me as i was really close to her. She was tame from the day we got her and was always ready for a snuggle. Shes the only gecko my mum was ok with holding cos she was so calm and friendly.

I am going to miss her so much but i am glad that she is no longer suffering. We lost Freya only 2 months ago and i still feel the pain of her death :( I just hope my other 3 stay well as this is heartbreaking :bigcry:


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
I'm so sorry you lost sounds like she may have gone septic...poor girl.
I've heard of eggbound females passing icky green fluid before, I think it's like internal rotten eggs...poor girl. I'm positive you did everything you could...I know that doesn't make it any easier; my condolences for your loss.


New Member
Thank you guys for your kind words. I still cant believe she is gone :(

We are having her cremated and her ashes putting in a wooden casket. She will be going in our cabinet next to Freya. Its so horrible losing them but i get some comfort knowing they are still with me.

Sleep peacefully my little angels :(


Rosalie Spot

New Member
In a Galaxy far, far away...
So many appointments may be stressing her out big time. A previous gecko of mine was sick, and we spent hundreds on vet bills, but the truth is, the vets were just telling us to do what we were doing and giving her injections and what not, and it was too much for the little girl to handle.

It's tricky. You are doing what's right and getting help, but her body might just not be cooporating.

edit: Nevermind. I am so sorry :(

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