Any opinions?


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
After only 6 months or so I had decided to update the design of my website a bit. It started by trying to optimize my site upload speed and search engine optimization next thing I know I was changing everything. It's nothing crazy fancy like some of the professional sites I see but wanted to get some of your opinions on it. Let me know what you like and don't like. Thanks ahead for the opinions. :main_thumbsup:


C C Gecko

New Member
Salinas, CA
I like it. I like your gecko, was it a liquefied effect from photoshop?

I really like your dropdown menu and guest book.

I have been working on my menus and things for when I get my hosting back up.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
I like it. I like your gecko, was it a liquefied effect from photoshop?

I really like your dropdown menu and guest book.

I have been working on my menus and things for when I get my hosting back up.

Thank you C C Gecko! The photos are adjusted in photoshop with many different effects as well as some addition of color here and there. I used Neon Glow, Find Edges, and Glowing Edges effects on those specific images. Not in that specific order and some of them multiple times.

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