Hey Dude, just checkin' in. Got any eggs yet? I already have 4 eggs but I think a couple are infertile. Nothing from my high end favorites though. Lots of tale thumping though so hopefully something soon. )
Waz uuup! Yeah the tales are vibratin' The show is about to begin!! Wish you the best of breedin season. Really hope we get to meet in person this yr. I'll be in Springfield again 1rst weekend in Aug. I'll check in with you before then for sure. For some reason I don't have your email address. That's probably the best way to reach you right? Do you raise any feeder insects?....Ken
Hey Justin )
I have a question, I built a small rack 30" wide 36" tall, it has 5 shelves, is it ok to run my 4" heat tape looped from one shelf to another? I only bought one set of connectors with the tape. That's 15' of tape total. What do ya think? Thanks...Ken
would you be interested in coming to the one May 16th?
I thought about getting a table assuming I'll have a few babies. I talked to local Brother's Pets and He said he would discount merch if I wanted to have set ups.
Hi Justin,I need a help here.My female leopard gecko has shedding problem..only her mouth(under her eye)still not remove yet..i have try to remove several days ago but still stuck and cannot remove..do you have any idea how to solve this??shes now gravid and have laid 6th clutch before but almost last a months she not laid eggs..i still can see her big body and i know got eggs inside her but she refuse to laid..she almost reach 2 and the half years..i hope you can help..