Anyone ever sell a gravid female without telling you...

Lady Hyena

New Member
I'm so frustrated right now. To my utter horror a found fertile eggs in my snow engimas moist hide! Shes not up to weight, not even a adult and they never even mentioned it! She's so lucky she was able to pass them! She was 28 grams and now finally puting on wieght! AND to my utter horror again! The other one i bought from them*whos even smaller* is gravid!!! Idk if they're fertile or not but neither are very old! I figure she has a week or 2 before she has them but has anyone ever bought females gravid and the breeder not tell them?!?!(not to mention to small and under weight)


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
It only takes a short time for them to do the deed. Even when they are housed separately, just to be in a tub together while cleaning cages.. phone rings, someone at the door.. the minute man goes to work. But I don't see how one so small could hide eggs ready to drop. You can't stop them from laying so be sure to feed all they will eat so their health doesn't decline. IDK if the same is true of lizards as snakes, but to breed too young often shortens the female's life span. Someone with more breeding experience may be able to shed some light on that. Maybe the breeder can at least tell you what was with them, hopefully something good.

Lady Hyena

New Member
They have NEVER been housed with any of my males only 2 of my males are of breeding age even plus ive only had them nearly 3 weeksD: Not even yet. I know i cant stop them and by all means im feeding Nia as much as she'll eat(the gravid one) and feeding cheza just as much to get her to weight SPECAILLY if she had a good mating and retianed sperm!D: I sure hope it doesnt effect her life span!D: As of yet no reply from them:/ Imagine that right? =-= Im giving them till friday then im gonna call them up...HOPEFULLY im calmed down some.. id have been nice to know even if they had told me i'd still have bought them....i just hope the TINY baby isnt gravid too!D:


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
We've been shipped a gravid adult Leo before. Initially the seller was just trying to say that she was ovulating but she laid fertile eggs shortly after she arrived.

Hopefully the other one is just forming follicles and will reabsorb them. Did you get hatch dates on them? It seems like some Enigmas grow a little slow to even though they're way too small to (ethically) breed they may be close to old enough.

Lady Hyena

New Member
unforchantly i didntD: they didnt seem to know. I know some can be small but she eats ALOT and is easily putting on weight again so i dont think its coz shes smaller. i STRONGLY beleive she was bred early, she had a wound on her head(assumed from a male biting her) her tail tip is gone(assumed from a male being quortship) and she was light as if she already had layen some. This is all assumed. When i asked about the wound they blamed me(it was a old wound alredy healing) i asked about the tail tip missing they didnt now i asked about the weight and they said it was from being moved around(that ones beleive able) I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the other one doesnt produce eggs and that she absorbs them too! shes still young...but it doesnt appear so>.> If you dont mind me asking where was yours from? If its from the same person thats crazy! Dont they have to let you know?

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