Anyone know about Human Leukemia- My Mom has 24 hrs to live I am so upset


Stripes are in!
Big Bend, WI
I almost cried when I read this. Deb, me and Ed give your our thoughts and we hope you can make it through this troubled time. It is always much easier to say goodbye however, when you do have the chance to. Take pictures, kiss her, and tell her you'll see her again one day!

G & M Geckos

Margaritaville Tour Guide
Deborah, My heart goes out to you in your time of need. Just try to be there for your Mom the best you can. Don't bother yourself with your brother right now, he will get his in the end. We went through a Leukemia scare earlier this year with Mendie. It is a bad illness to deal with still lots of unknowns. We will be here for you, and our prayers go out to you.


Thanks again everyone, I stayed with mom from10am till 8pm today she slept most of the time. The DR called and said she has T Cell Leukemia and that she has just a matter of days. He can't believe she has lasted this long. She is also Diabetic and has a Brain Aneurym too. He told us to give her what ever she wants to eat even if its Ice cream. But she won't really eat anything. We are to keep her comfortable and happy. We had Hospice come out again today and we all talked. They were angry that my brother kept her Leukemia from me until a week ago. When he told me he said it wasn't a bad kind and my response was All Leukemia is a bad kind! We have the pain cocktail kit for when she starts having the severe pain. She has been taking Morphine and Percocet so far yet everyday she needs just alittle more meds. I am so tired and emotionally drained but I won't leave her alone to die No way!. I come here to read at least once a day. You all give me a little peace in knowing what I am doing is right. I tell her all the time how much I love her. Today was very hard because she wasn't as coherent. But she did tell me the dress she wanted to be buried in which nearly killed me inside. I try not to cry around her but its so hard. Yes I am glad I have at least been given the time to say goodbye but it is a very hard thing to do, watch her everyday not knowing if it will be our last time together. Thanks for sticking by me during this time.You all have made me smile knowing there is people like you all. Bless you for your kindness. Deb
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New Member
My mom has a Yorkie too. Those types of dogs tend to bond with there owners so much and only like a select few. You shoud be honored that your mother choose you as her keeper. I'm sure that dog means alot to her and she wants the best for her. It shows how much she trusts you. I'm sorry again about your situation. We are all here for you. Stay strong. ::hugs::

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Deborah, if there were words to say that could help, I would surely say them. If there was something I could do, I would surely do it. Right now, all I can say is how sorry I am for you and your family... and offer my prayers for a peaceful passing and that God will wrap his loving arms around you all in this time of despair.


I understand where you're coming from about not being told about this awful illness. My fiances mom kept it from us that she has Pulminary Fibrosis, we didn't find out until she suddenly died on morning in her sleep. She knew she was dying but chose to keep it to herself. No arrangements had been made, no will no nothing. Her Husband (not Robs father) took everything from Rob and we don't even have so much as a necklace of hers to pass to our daughter. It's very upsetting. I hate to sound harsh against your brother, but make sure everything is carefully laid out for these kinds of things. I never saw anyone get a lawyer so fast to grab up all the possesions from someone they had only been married to for 1.5 years.
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When my mother-in-law passed away with cancer 15 years ago, we did the home thing with the constant bed-side vigil. What made it easier for me to accept was comparing it to the beginning of life - labor and childbirth. In my time I have had many opportunities to be a labor coach or helper. There are so many similarities in the 2 events - one minute a person is not there and the next he is and vice versa on the other side. The waiting during the labor pains and the waiting during the end of life pains is similar. It is a huge life-changing event for everyone in the family. I do firmly believe in home births and the same for the end of life. You are doing a wonderful thing for her and when you look back, you will be so glad you did. Don't forget to take care of yourself during all this.


Well its another day and I plan to go earlier today to be with her. Yesterday she was really out of it. She would say stuff that didn't make sense at all and even point at whatever she was talking about(which wasn't there) I am now feeding her and helping her do everything. She has these jerks where she cannot hold on to anything without spilling it. I had thought my brother had given her pain meds but he told me he didn't so she is Hallucnation(sp) alot. She grabbed onto me last night when I told her I had to leave. She thanked me for being with her and I told her I would be by her side always. I kissed her and told her I loved her and she said she loved me. That means alot to me because she wasn't one to say it often. But I have a 12 yr old daughter that is home alone so I try to get there before dark. My neighbors have been great taking her to me at moms and watching her somewhat. She stays home but they check on her and even ask her if she wants something to eat. Every morning they come over to ask how my mom is and tell me they will pray for her. I wish I could be with mom all the time but I have all these creatures to care for and my daughter so I must deal with my life as well. My husband is a truck driver so hes not around to much so its all on me. I am certainly not complaining I choose my animals and such but its just a little harder when I feel the need to be by moms side. But its what I want right now. My father died alone and I told my mom she would not be alone. That was something that really bothered mom about when my father died. Her blood sugar was very high yesterday so I gave her insulin but it only went up higher so I called Hospice. They told me not to worry about it. So I understand what that means. My mom also has a DNR signed so no one is to try and save her. Which it must be with this terrible disease. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. MY brother is not even around when I am there but whats bad is he takes her pain meds with him. I call and he doesn't even answer. I do not see how he even cares but again I am not the one to judge him. He is a strange one, I'll tell you that! Hugs to all!
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New Member
Keep Hanging in there Deborah. It's very nice of your neighbors to help you out with your daughter. I'll keep praying for you, your mother, and your family.


Deborah I just wanted to know how your mother is doing over the weekend.

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