Anyone Out There With Bipolar Disorder?


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
So I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder 1 and anxiety disorder which kinda fall under the whole Post Traumatic Stress Disorder umbrella about a year or so ago. I've been taking Seroquel and Well Butrin for a while now, but will be switching to Lamotrigine shortly due to the weigh gain problem with the Seroquel. I have been exercising for over two months nearly every day and curbing my sugar, fat, and carb intakes with no results. In fact, I'll start to lose weight but get up, like, the next morning or so and have gained back ALL the weight I had lost just a week before. I am in better shape, my clothes fit a bit better, but the weight refuses to come off!

Now I've heard some scary stories about the side effects of Lamotrigine (also called Lacital, I believe), and was curious if anyone else in the forum has tried it/been/is on it and what it has done for/to them? In trying new medications (and especially after my collapse from going from Celexa to the Well-Butrin - I almost killed myself) it's no surprise that my anxiety is going through the roof right now. I know that there's a slim chance that I will experience any of the more severe side effects of the Lamotrigine (i.e. the "life-threatening" rash in particular), but for whatever reason my anxiety cannot be quelled - such is the way of the anxiety disorder.

And also has anyone taken Atavin with Lamotrigine? Sometimes I flip out if I experience ANY sort of abnormal feelings or sensations stemming from the side effects or whatever, and Atavin is supposed to relax me. I haven't taken it yet as I've heard it's addictive.

I know I'm no doubt overreacting. lol But a bit of peace of mind is all I really need, I think...


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
I have never tried any of the medications you mentioned but I just wanted to send you my love :heart: :sweetheart: :smitten:

I have been dealing with crazy anxiety attacks (more so) lately myself, among other things. I hope that someone on here can shed some more light on the topic for you.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Much love to you sweetie!


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
Oh wow! Well with all the stress you've been under from school and stuff it doesn't surprise me! I hope you feel better. Just remember to take it one step at a time, and if you feel an attack coming on, I find that just lying down (preferably with someone you love to hold you) and doing deep, slow, yoga-like breaths help a lot. Also distracting yourself with an object helps. Concentrate on that object; the way it feels, smells, looks,etc. and that should help to. I carry around two worry stones that have helped tremendously. I've even used my cat for a distraction; she loves to be brushed! lol

Anyway, miss and love you too. *hugz* :)


I don't take any meds anymore, since I don't have health insurance, but I've suffered from major depression most of my life. It has morphed into severe anxiety problems (i can't drive without getting panic attacks!). I don't really have anything helpful to say but <333 and hugs.


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
Hey, gals, thank you for the hugs and shoulders. I might take you up on it one day. Things are getting very bad here in my life. There seems to be no end to my current situation which is fueling my anxiety and depression. I hope these new meds help....

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