are Kenyan Sand Boas handlable?

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
i am considering getting one,but are they handleable?that's the only thing holding me back from getting one.i want a handleable snake.thanks!


New Member
Landrum, SC
A friend of mine has an adult male... he's several years old, and is extremely docile. I think you'd be happy with one, especially if it's a "first" snake. You don't see them much, due to burrowing, etc... but when you do, they're GREAT!


New Member
north east ohio
you can handle almost any snake, with a little consistency and gentle handlling, most any type of snake will let you handle it. a healthy snake will bite you for one of two reasons, 1. they mistake you for food, easy fix...dont smell like a rodent and dont surprise the snake, let it know you are in their enclosure before you grab em up. 2. they are in fear of being harmed or eaten...another easy fix, start off slow and trust from your snake, it will no longer be in fear of its life and wont bite you. snakes do not have the mental capacity to be "mean"...there are some snake that are just naturally more deffensive, but there are NO mean snakes. they are very instictual animals, not really thinking, emotional animals. but kenyan sand boas are pretty easy going for the most part...i had one a few years ago that bit like crazy for about a week..then i guess it just "got the hint" that i was not trying to eat him, and he never bit again...all snakes differ in their mellowness, but mst kenyans are cool to handle.

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