
New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I am hearing that a certain member of the staff here has received several pm's, emails and phone calls from Fight Club members saying that they don't agree with this forum being an -anything goes- type of place. Now granted I have not seen any of these messages for myself, I have only been told about them. I also wasn't told who sent the messages/made the calls. That being said if any of you feel this way speak up now or at least pm me so that I can remove your access. Or at least have the *ahem* "balls" :D to pm me or email me with these complaints. I do find it odd that the poll I posted only has three votes expressing that opinion yet I hear that several FC members are complaining about the FC to this particular staff member. Why is that? Anyone care to offer an explanation? I'm baffled.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Also, a member reported a post from this forum. Since it is unmoderated, there is nothing we can do if something really bothers you about a particular post here. You shouldn't be afraid or intimidated to email, PM, or call Kelli with your issues.

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