Babies in a rack


Long Island Geckos
Mastic Beach, NY
Ok, so I'm gearing up for my first breeding season and was wondering how those of you with racks house the babies. I was thinking that I would put each females (I have 3 females and 1 male) babies into one tub to keep the results separated but how long can you get away with having them together? Also, how do you make sure that each baby is getting enough food? Do you separate by size? How many hides do you offer?

I just want to make sure that I'm set up in advance. Thanks!


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
If you must house them together, they need to be close to the same size and have multiple food dishes. Be prepard to move any out immediately if there are any issues, such as one may not be growing or aggression. At about 5mos a male will begin to want to mate. He needs to be out of there before any chance of that even thinks about starting. They are all way to young to risk premature breeding. It's really better to go ahead and plan some type of separate hatchling rack with smaller containers.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
To be honest, I prefer to house my geckos in glass enclosures but I do have a rack for "overflow". The rack has 16 6-quart containers. I put hatchling pairs in each container with 2 hides, water dish, calcium dish and food dish. The mealworms crawl all over the enclosure so it's not an issue of how many dishes. The humidity is such that I don't need a humid hide. I mix and match the hatchlings if they grow at a different rate, plan on having only 1 to a container when they get to be around 15 grams and hope to have none still in the rack if they get much bigger.


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