Babies on the way. Setup suggestions?


African Gecko Keeper
South Africa
Hey Guys,

I'm getting 2 x 2 week old het for patternless leos and was wondering what an ideal setup would be.

Can I house them together for a while?

Should I use sand or paper towels/ newspaper?

What will they need inside there cage etc..

What to feed as well??


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
They should be fine being housed together! I like keeping my hatchlings seperate just to keep down the possible problems of one getting all the food and the other getting picked on.

I would definitly use paper towels! You can take the chance on sand later when they get 6 inches or so but even then I would still use paper towels. Its your choice to what substrate you use but to be safe right now I would use paper towels. On younger leopard geckos they have a smaller intestinal track then adults and therefore particles can get stuck easier. Theres still a chance of problems caused from impaction in adults. I suggest paper towels but its a free world and do what you want.

You need 2 hides on each side of the tank. One on the warm side and one on the cold side. Hot side needs to be around 92-95 degrees and the cold side needs to be around 80. Also need a moist hide to aid in the shedding. A calcium bowl w/o D3 and a water bowl also need to be in the tank.

You can feed small to medium mealworms and/or 1/4" crickets.

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