babies (Q's)


New Member
oh so i have a baby gecko, i recently posted that one was prematurely and accidently hatched, well the othe one that was left hatched today so no i have a perfectly formed healthy baby,

ok so i have it in an 8x8 inch tupper ware box with a heat pad under one side with a very gentle heat, the floor is made up of paper towels and ive used a jame jar lid for a shallow water dish with dechlorinated water, (i will also use another small one to keep small meal worms in)

it seem happ enough ive provided a hide for it, ok so the questions

does that sound ok as a set up? im reletively new to this
does it need a calcium dish ?
should i be moistening the enclosure.. if so .. how? (without drenching the paper towels.
small crickets and small mealworms are ok right?
(this sounds dumb) but is he guna be ok on his own? do they feel paranoid when alone?
its in a pretty dark place... is that a good thing?

and just some general ones

when does he loose the standard stipes and get the colours he inherits from the parents?
how quickly do they grow?
when is the first shed?



New Member
hes fine in the dark there nocturnal so he might feel more comfort in the dark rather than the light . he should shed win abouut a week. growing really depends on how heavy you feed them if you feed heavy they will grow quicker. he will lose his stripes after a couple of sheds about a month or two you will notice some changes. well for me i just dust there crikets and put a little calicuim in there with them but mine usually knock it over. yes it should be moist you take the paper towl and wet it then ring it out until no water falls/ or you could get a squirt bottle to keep it moist

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