Baby cresties having trouble shedding?

Nellie Rose

New Member
Hi everyone! I'm fairly new to crestie breeding, I had my first babies back in December.
I currently have 4 new hatchlings from my harlequins. All are perfect except I am worried they are having trouble shedding their skin.
Humidity is in the right range, if not slightly higher, they have access to food 24/7 and are feeding on growth and breeder pangea and 1/4 crickets dusted with calcium with d3. I believe they are all eating.
They're all in small 6 inch by 4 inch containers I think originally intended for spider breeding, and once they get a tiny bit bigger and are better established they'll move into 5 quart bins.

I'll try to get pictures later but I am just worried about their shedding.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Do they get the shed off eventually or do you have to help them? I occasionally have to help some of my adults. I used to keep my hatchling cresties in shoebox sized plastic bins which are a little bigger than what you have. Maybe they need more space to run around in. Is there something in their enclosure that they can rub against to help get the shed off?


Nellie Rose

New Member
Do they get the shed off eventually or do you have to help them? I occasionally have to help some of my adults. I used to keep my hatchling cresties in shoebox sized plastic bins which are a little bigger than what you have. Maybe they need more space to run around in. Is there something in their enclosure that they can rub against to help get the shed off?

I've never had to help my adults.

I'll add some lava rocks

I'll upgrade them into bigger bins later today.
They seem to be doing better shedding now. I did loose one baby unfortunately but I think that is an issue with the mother as those babies hatched smaller than the younger ones, and a past clutch also had issues with being smaller and weaker. I've decided to retire her as a pet. The younger babies are bigger and stronger, and eating more regularly.

Hopefully the remaining baby from the weaker clutch does ok, he seems stronger than his sibling.
Hopefully some rocks and more space to run around helps, I figured it would be easier for them to find food in a smaller bin but I can see how more space would help get shed off.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'd be curious to know if the changes make any difference. I have 5 adult cresties, 3 of whom I hatched 7 years ago. I almost never have to help them with shed but every now and then . . .


Nellie Rose

New Member
I'd be curious to know if the changes make any difference. I have 5 adult cresties, 3 of whom I hatched 7 years ago. I almost never have to help them with shed but every now and then . . .

The baby from the weaker clutch ended up passing away. I'm thinking it was an issue with incubation or from before because the babies hatched out much smaller and weaker than the ones from the other clutch.

The other two from the stronger clutch are doing much better and shedding all by themselves in bigger shoebins with cork and moss. They are eating like monsters and very active.

Thanks for your help!

Nellie Rose

New Member
Geat! The year I bred cresties I also had some that didn't thrive and passed away.

Yeah, I figured I'd loose some. It's odd that the only ones I've lost are from the same mother, only one of four have survived.
But the rest are doing great and I had 2 more hatch last night.

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