Baby Leo help


New Member
Hi everyone! I got two baby Leos 2 weeks ago. I don't know their age but one is especially tiny. She was very active and running around and eating. I had them in a small set up because I was keeping them next door and sneaking over to play, feed, and clean up (kids xmas gifts). I broke down and brought them to my house 4 days ago and got their tank set up. Since then she stopped running around, just sleeps. When I get her out its like she can barely hold herself up. She was already so small, now just looks sickly. I offer her crickets and mealworms. That's all our pet store offers. I ordered wax worms and they are on the way. I got her to take very little water and baby food from a dropper. Temps are good and I give them calcium with D3. My other one looks great and already shed. Is there anything I can do?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I think you're doing about everything you can. Sometimes pet store leopard geckos don't make it because of the age they're shipped and the conditions. There is a possibility that the tiny one may not make it. Also, I have found with babies I"ve hatched where there is an obvious problem that is going to make it difficult to impossible for them to live that they run around like nothing's wrong till it gets to be too much for them and then they crash. I hope she survives, and I know it's tough to possibly have a problem like this just before Christmas. You may want to consider bringing her back and exchanging her for a healthier one.



New Member
Thank you. I went ahead and put her back in the other tank alone and am going to keep a close eye on her. It's only been a couple weeks and I am already so attached. I've read giving them the clear pedialyte is good. Is that true? And if so, how much?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Clear pedialyte will help to hydrate them. I imagine a few drops several times a day will do it. They have pretty small stomachs. Maybe someone with more vet tech experience will chime in here.



New Member
She's worse today. I blended pedialyte, baby food, calcium, and mealworms and put them in a dropper. She will not open her mouth at all, I may have gotten a tiny drop in her mouth and that's it. She's just barely alive and can't hardly open her eyes. Should I let her be now and just hope for the best?


New Member
Pardon the standard questions, but what is your setup like? How did you transport them from one area to the other? What are the temps like? How about poop? I want very much for a happy ending. I wish you all the best.


New Member
I lost her a few hours ago. The temp is 78 on one side 91 on other. I use the repti carpet, log for climbing with greenery, a hide box, and moss. I have the zoo med pad under the tank and the nighttime red basking light. In the pet shop they were kept in sand, don't know if that could have had anything to do with it. I clean poop out everyday so I assumed it was from both of them but I guess not. I just carried the small tank over and moved them into the larger tank. They were very easy to handle after a couple days. From the pet store, he sent them in a plastic bowl with air holes. I already had their tank ready though so they were only in those for a few minutes. If I am doing anything wrong please let me know so I never do it again.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I would shoot for a little bit warmer on the hot side, around 95-98. I doubt there is anything you could have done for the little guy, sometimes they just don't make it, especially when they're stressed by shipping to a pet store, being crowded in subpar conditions at the store, and then being stressed again by the move to their new home. Buying an older juvenile direct from a breeder will usually get you a healthy, strong gecko that adjusts well.


New Member
Thank you. I just moved the tank to a warmer area in the house so that should hopefully do the trick.


New Member
I concur about the temps, good job on the move to warmer. It does sound like there was nothing you could have done better. The sand can be a problem (regardless of it being silica or vita- or calci-), in the young ones. With the added stress of the move, that little one may just have not had it in him/her to keep going. If he/she stopped eating I was thinking impaction (obviously). Also, take care in separating them into their own enclosure, even when they're young they can bully each other. If any of your geckos (little ones especially) begin to act like that one just did, just do what you did and maybe add a few warm soaks and a drop of oil (mineral or olive will do) to the nose. It helps ease up impactions and mostly eliminate that from the diagnosis. You did wonderfully in taking care of that little one. I'm sorry for your loss.

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