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My names George, Im not new to reptiles, i had a pretty nice collection til i moved about a year ago an had to get rid of everything. But the other day, my girlfriend seen me looking at some leopard gecko classified adds on craigslist, so she whent out to the petstore, and bought me two very energetic, healthy baby leopard Geckos. I have them housed in a 29 gallon tank, have zoomed cage carpet, 2 hides, one moist, watering bowl, and other essentials. Im happy to be back into reptiles. And when i'm not working or with reptiles, I race dirtbikes, for anyone who is familiar with the sport, I have a yz250 :)
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gecko breeder

New Member
hey man

yo george its me mike i got somewhat the same situation u have, as of right now i have no leopard geckos but will be having them soon again cant wait and when we both get into it we have to get into breeding together and enjoy the new life of a baby gecko being born, iv already had the joy plenty of times but u will get to in about a year or less and with my help it should be easy, catch u later man:)

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