Bad form


New Member
Recently Ive been left with a bad taste in my mouth.... It has to do with SELLERS backing out, or not replying...

Yes I'm from Canada, No I do not live in an igloo...and it's NOT that cold. I was outside a few mins ago, having a smoke without a shirt on.. It was 60deg F yesterday!!!!!!!

I had a friend who has been a member for a while, post an ad for me looking for a gecko... FINALLY someone replied. Saying "I have one" "I'll ship anywhere"
This person was in contact with my friend, RIGHT up to the paying part.. then disappeared...

So I made an account. this way my friend doesn't have to go through the hassle....

After a couple emails I finally made contact... and just got "OH i didn't see his PM's... but "ya i still got her..."

We were in constant contact... had the money IN HAND... ready to transfer, when he disappeared again. this time coming back a week later saying... sorry buddy i just had a baby... NO PROBLEM... I have 2, and my brother just made me an uncle this month... Where do I send the money? He then dropped the bomb that the gecko's now looking male. I stewed about it for a week or so, but decided I can go the other route with my project, and use the male instead. so I agreed to still buy it. He sent me more pics, i waved the money in the air, and then i haven't heard anything back. I sent him an email asking what happened, and NOTHING..... I then sent an email expressing my disappointment, and that it's not the fact I'm out any money, it's the fact I'm out a gecko he said he would sell me...... STILL nothing.
NOT to mention that I had to cancel the apt with MNR set to inspect my geckos that were due to cross the border...

It gets better... Another seller, had a year end sale.... amazing (too good to be true) prices... I emailed this seller 4 times through 2 forums and her website... before getting a response. I then realized that this is someone i emailed earlier in the year about a gecko that i never received a reply on, and is now sold... Oh well... I'd like to buy these two geckos.... "OK SWEET! but my shipping window CLOSES in a week" was the response i got. So i pulled some strings, got the cash... was ready to send it... when i got.... "I'm sorry, it's too cold to ship" Severely disappointed but i understood... the gecko's better interest is there, so i applaud the breeder. HOWEVER, when I see pics of the gecko I tried to buy... posted by another breeder, when I clearly said in the email that I understood, I'll wait till spring then... just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I would have left a deposit, or even PAID IN FULL as long as I had a written agreement that I get this gecko when weather is nicer...But I never got a reply from the last email.
I'm glad that the gecko went to a great breeder, and her offspring should be nothing but amazing.... so I'm happy about that... however I still have not received a reply from THAT breeder either about a gecko I was looking for.... it's been at least a month now...

On a positive note.... I FOUND the gecko I was looking for, she's BEAUTIFUL, and from an AMAZING source.... GREAT bloodlines.. for a great price too... THIS breeder is also DELIVERING (through a closer breeder) the gecko, instead of shipping it. I should be getting her sometime this week or next weekend... :main_thumbsup:



sorry to hear you got the run around from so many people. im glad to hear you finally got one on the way though. be sure to post some pics when you get her


New Member
I mean, my experience around here hasn't been ALL bad, but it just seems like you said, "I'm getting the run around" I thought of actually Flagging the people in thew BOI, but maybe they're not like this all the time... both sellers have had positive feedback, and maybe i DID catch them at bad times, but still...Communicate with me... I'm 32 years old... I can take the truth... if you don't wanna sell it to me... tell me that. don't blow me off, or if a BIG TIME BREEDER offers you more...... don't tell me it's "TOO COLD TO SHIP" tell me that. You don't know me.... I would have paid alot more than you were asking for that gecko... geeze.

I made an order with another breeder... it was inquired about, ordered, paid for, and shipped out in 2 days. It was shipped the DAY I PAID... That's Customer service.

I found some geckos from another breeder, Ordered them via email, friend paid and picked them up the next day. That's Customer service

Found another gecko last week, Had NO MONEY (Christmas gifts.. got caught with my pants but said... I want this gecko... I NEED IT... I will pay you Mon the 28th.. SET IN STONE... "SOLD! she's yours...I'll even get xxxx to deliver it" I keep CONSTANT contact with people I am buying from...

And have also NEVER backed out of a sale. I have re sold geckos that i maybe made an impulse buy on, but have NEVER backed out.
I have inquired about geckos, and not bought them.... but I always let the breeder know that I appreciate their time, I am not going to make a purchase at this time, and that I will be back again.

I have also NEVER had a complaint from a customer. Even geckos sold unsexed that went the wrong way they were hoping... still thank me for the beautiful addition. Over 20 yrs in the fish/reptile industry, and 9yrs of retail management, I believe my customer service skills are up to par.

and YES I will post pics of her when i get her....



New Member
I've missed out on geckos due to similar lack of response awhile back before, that's why these days I don't buy from anybody who doesn't have an ordering option on their website. With a few exceptions of some breeders that I know respond quickly of course. I won't name any names, but it was similar things except I don't live in a cold area and it was simply no response for almost a week then being told the gecko was sold. Then finding out someone posted about purchasing the same gecko in the show off leo section of the forum, many days after I had inquired about it.

Happened twice to two different sellers. Whether they want to admit it or not, some people do play preferential treatment. Kind of like they don't know you, so when you inquire about purchasing a gecko, they go off to someone they know telling them "hey someone wants to buy this, I'll hold them off tell me if you want it". For some other breeders they truly are too busy to respond or keep track of their email communications.

Anyways, it happens. You just learn who not to order from in the future, it's no biggy. Bad communication and lack of responses is definitely bad form. No if's and but's about it. I know how you feel. We all live & learn.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I really feel for you. I usually get this as the seller where they buyer "disappears" when it's time to actually pay. The only time I had it happen to me as a buyer was a craigslist situation (which is much different from a seller's website, I know) where I pursued a "seller" via email about several geckos of different species I was interested in. After getting the runaround, he finally emailed me that he had "asked around" about me and had reservations about selling to me! Given my usual reputation this was really unbelievable but tops the list of "stupid excuses".



New Member
nice... yeah.. they "asked around" as in.... their buddies.... and they never heard of ya... so ya.. don't sell em...:main_rolleyes:

This (not trying to be prejudice at all) is also my first year looking state side.
As I mentioned, I'm in Canada, and willing to go through the nessesary hoops to get some nice leos.

I'm getting tired of the selection here. it's Tremper albinos, Mack Snows, and SHTCT's.. I already have 3+ of each... Now what?!?? :D


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