Um i didnt own but i researched, they said it should be in 40 gallon breeder long. I remembered while researching for beggniers lizards lol , but 20 gallon long is for baby and juvelles. Well. hope this helps. 20 gallon is too small. it may stress it size but is your bearded dragon abult or young abult?
Many people say that a 40gal breeder tank is sufficient, but based on my personal experiences, I wouldn't keep a full grown beardie in anything smaller than a 4x2x2ft. (125gal, I believe.) I built my own out of melamine, which was nice because it allowed me to set it up to meet my beardie and my preferences. Budo uses every inch of it and still begs to be let out to run around all the time.
I've never raised a beardie, only done rescues, but I'd say you could keep a hatchling in a 20gal for the first 3-5 months. Although you might as well start out with something a little bit bigger to save money; a baby would be fine in a 40gal from the start.
:main_thumbsup: Beardies are amazing pets. Good luck!
I do have my beardie in a 40 gallon breeder (36x18) because she came to me in that at 4 years and it's the biggest enclosure I can accommodate. I wish I could have her in something larger. I let her out and give her the run of my living room and dining room as often as I can, as well as time in the summer on my porch with me.
I've got a melamine cage that is the equivelent of a 40 gal for my smaller girl and a custom made 40X24X18 for my bigger girl. I guarantee that every single inch of that tank is utilized by that her.
yeah no adult can comfortably live in a 20 gallon considering these guys get 18"+. My poor girl is 22", she would barely fit in a 20 gallon! As someone stated a rankins dragon, a single adult will do find in a 20 gallon aquarium. Care is basically the same except they like it slightly cooler
40-gallon breeder minimum for 1 adult beardy. You can give them less space with success but it isn’t kind. My late bearded dragon lived a healthy 12 years in a 40 gallon Breeder aquarium.
mine was in a 20 gallon for 4 months when i 1st got her when she was 2 inches long , you cant keep sub adults or adults in a 20 gallon they need room to run and move I have mine in a 50 gallon breeder, but would prefer to have her in a bigger one we are currently working on a home made custom enclosure.
really odd being baby beardies tend to hatch out at 3.5-4", if a beardie hatched out at 2" I would really have to look at the breeder and ask why they are breeding such small beardies that they hatch out that small.