Bearded dragon food -› money's tight

Lil Biscuit

Okay so my bearded dragon is a female (I fear she might be gravid soon). Anyway money is tight, I'm doing my best to feed her. She usually gets a dubia roach every day or every other. Other than that it's a lot of fruit.. she really likes apples and grapes... Some back story, she was a rescue and appears to have rarely eaten anything other than protein. So at the moment it's pretty great that she even eats fruits.. I really haven't made that much progress on it in two years. She still only accepts hand fed food, incredibly picky, and will barely if at all touch vegetables. It's been quite some time and I kinda feel like giving up.

Anybody got any recommendations on vegetables that they tend to like? Also is there anything kinda like a vitamin for everything she's not getting?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
She definitely needs calcium and vitamin D3 (and a UV light, which, unfortunately for you, needs to be changed every 6 months or so because the UV decreases). If you can't provide the supplementation, there's a good chance that she's going to get metabolic bone disease. See if your local supermarket will let you take fruits that are in bad shape, or fruits that they may be throwing out. Even though your dragon isn't that into greens, it's a good idea to keep trying. Your local supermarket may let you take kale and collard green leaves that have fallen off the bunches for sale. Also go to and read about the diet and supplementation that a bearded dragon needs.
It sounds as if you really care about your dragon and are doing the best you can. If you find that money is just too tight to provide what it needs, you may have to look into rehoming.


Lil Biscuit

I should've been more specific. She has her lamps, vitamins, calcium. I just have troubles getting her to eat vegetables really. She hates them all. Other than that I have troubles with keeping her hydrated. Should I just mist her everyday? This doesn't seem to help her. I give her baths about two-three times a week. She doesn't understand still water. I've slowly poured water on her lip in an attempt to help her drink once before. she drank a lot, seemed to enjoy it, but this also told me she was very thirsty. She since hasn't drank from that method. I enjoy her company and it always makes me happy when she's a bit more happy so I strive to for that. She's wrinkly, I used to think she just lost weight fat or something but now I'm near certain it's just dehydration... I'd like to be the one to help her.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have heard that the dragons can hydrate from the baths. One of mine will actually drink water from the bath. If her poops are somewhat wet, then you know she's hydrated. You could also try putting her in the sink and letting the water drip from the faucet. Maybe she'll enjoy that.


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