Bearded dragons favorite greens..


New Member
I was just curious what everyone's bearded dragons favorite greens are. Mine used to be found of curly kale. I have been using regular kale lately and I think they have just gotten sick of it. I went out and bought a whole assortment of different greens to try out this week and see what they seem to dive in at.

What is your dragons favorite green?
What is your dragon's favorite fruit?
What is your dragons favorite veggie?


Happy Gecko Family
My dragon likes Choi Sum (a type of Asian green). He will not eat anything that is not green in color, so no favourite fruit or vegetables. I tried chayote, butternut squash, papaya, watermelon, apples, carrots...etc, he just won't touch any of them. He also doesn't like dandelion and endive. Yes, he is picky and spoiled...

In terms of bugs, he will eat everything, but he seems to like dubia the most. However, this could be because I seldom offer dubia to him; he gets a combo of silkworms and lateralis daily, with crickets twice a week.

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