Begginer Gecko???


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Scott&Nikki said:
Wow ummmm.... I think the thing with reptiles is... you won't find any "easy to take care of", that enjoy being handled, and have a simple diet. It seems that if a reptile has one of those traits, it most likely doesn't have any others. I think what you should do is see what means the most to you. Cheap habitat? Handling? and then compare the options that are high up on your priority. I think leos are the closest you can get to everything listed. And one thing in that mess over the last 3 pages I do agree with. You most likely need to expand out of the "only mealworms" category no matter what you choose. But like I said, you might get better ideas if you ask a question like "what lizards tolerate handling". Then once you get a list of those, find the ones you are interested in and compare habitats, then find ones you are still interested in and look at any other factors. Hope that made sense and helps a little...

I just wanted to say excellent post and thanks for bringing this thread back on target.

Before any more "thread hijacking" happens, please remember that there is a general discussion forum that a new thread can be opened in if anyone wants to discuss the nutritional value of various insects (or just use the search function and you'll probably find a lot of info :main_thumbsup: ). There are also other websites/forums (which shall remain nameless) if you want to bicker :D

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