Bell Hybinos, RAPTORS, Blazing Blizzards and Red Stripes - Steve's Hamm shipment



Thank you so very much for sharing that information and the pictures of your tables-both previous and present
I am very impressed by that table
I agree on taking pics of babies and juvies
If you can manage to keep the gecko from leaping off the table with one hand and catch the shot before they do-with the other hand -
then taking pics of one standing still should be a snap
however-it does seem to me that so very much depends on getting that lighting just right
I love to take pics of all of my animals-some turn out decent and some-well-the delete button takes care of those
Still the beauty of a digital is that you can take pics as long as you have a decent sized memory card and enough batteries
Thanks Again
You most defintely have the "eye" for taking some really beautiful pictures

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