best buy ruined my life


ok that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but let me explain...

i'm going to be heading to pa this weekend and just by chance found a person on craigslist with a crested gecko, 12 x 12 x 18 exo terra viv (too small, i know) and all the supplies for sale for $60 on my way back to maryland so i got in touch with them and was all set to pick everything up on sunday evening. justine had even said that since i bought her a necklace for valentine's day she'd give me the money for the gecko even though she really didn't want me to get it.
well today my boss caught me by surprise and gave me the night off from work (along with the whole weekend) so we decided we'd go look for a flat panel hdtv at best buy for the living room to replace the outdated set we have now. in the hour plus we wandered around the hdtv section in best buy not a single associate tried to help us or ask if we had any questions so we said forget it. apparently we didn't look old enough to buy a television or we weren't dressed nicely enough to be able to afford anything in the store, so we left and went futon shopping instead. justine has been wanting a futon for a while so we'd have something other than an air mattress for guests to sleep on. after finding out that furniture stores apparently don't sell futons we were finally steered to a mattress store and ended up ordering a futon which will now be taking up nearly a full wall of our computer room and forcing me to move Leo's tank and leaving me with no room for a crested gecko anywhere in my designated space.
so, long story short, if best buy had employees who weren't so lazy i would have a nice new tv at least and maybe even a new crested gecko... instead i had to email the people back and explain that i won't be picking up anything on sunday and have a fiancee who is upset with me for some unknown reason (actually the reason is that i didn't respond between her trying to get my attention and actually asking the question she wanted to ask)

happy valentine's day everybody. :main_thumbsdown:


New Member
so instead of a sweet new tv you got a about a bummer. o well at least you have somewhere to sleep when your in the dog house now lol


New Member
Weymouth MA
Ouch! So the airmattress that could be put away giving you more living space while you had no guests is being replaced by a futon?

I'm sorry!

Missing out on the crested is way worse though. You seriously don't have space anywhere for that small a tank? Isn't there an end table beside the futon? You NEED that crestie! Heck, if PA wasn't such a miserable drive from MA, I'd go get it!


well i thought that was bad....

i had to drive to landover (1:45 away, right next to fedex field where the redskins play) for the state indoor track championships that started at 11:00am, couldn't fall asleep at all, ended up staying up until 5:45 then had to get up at 8:30 to get ready and leave... also my car was on E so i had to stop and get some gas which was good since i needed some coffee to keep me awake and something for breakfast...
well, to start the crapfest that was my day off, i spilled coffee all over my lap, so i had to stop and buy new pants since i couldn't really go home and change and couldn't walk around all day with a huge stain on my lap so i stopped at the outlet mall that was luckily (not really, keep reading) right up ahead and bought some clearance khakis from old navy...
as i'm getting ready to pull out onto the highway somehow as i'm not paying attention (can't remember if i was turning on the radio or what) my steering wheel straightens out and i hop up onto the little curb that keeps you from turning left out of the parking lot and blow out my left front tire...
so i pull over into the next parking lot down and try to figure out where the jack and stuff are to change the tire, after searching for about 15 minutes i finally find the jack and tire iron under the back seat (i had never had to change the tires on my new vehicle until today) but couldn't see the long rod-type thing needed to lower the spare that hangs under the back of the car so i ended up calling geico, finding out i don't have roadside assistance and having to pay $55 to have a towtruck come all because i couldn't find the tool i needed to be able to change the tire myself. well i had $10 cash and no checkbook with me so i had to have them charge my credit card over the phone then the tow truck gets there (thankfully it didn't take very long since he was almost there coming back from somewhere else) and the guy finds the rod in 3 seconds... the carpeting had just rolled over the whole thing and hidden it, but at that point it was too late to get my $55 back so i just stood there and watched him siphon $5 a minute out of my bank account for doing something i could have done myself...
i'm almost to the sports complex (3 turns) and the arrows for my turning lane are green only to have 2 sherrifs' cars stop traffic at that exact moment for a funeral procession. blah blah blah, go to the track meet, try to find people i've never met before in a crowd of thousands to interview them about the meet in a loud echoing building, but first i have to wait for all the events to be almost done with so they have something to talk to me about. somehow i was able to track down all 3 coaches and the only state champion from my coverage area and talk to all of them.
uneventful drive home, stopped at mcdonalds drivethru since i hadn't eaten all day at the track meet and the dollar for my change blew away so i had to pull into a parking space and get out to get it. when i finally got to work i found out that the PA announcer at the track meet decided to talk over the majority of the answers to my questions so i couldn't even make them out to quote them, and about halfway through typing in the quotes i accidentally kick the powersupply and turn off the computer, losing the quotes i had to wade through loud garbled crap to be able to make out in the first place. and i almost left my tape recorder at the office when i went to leave. but i did get a check for $51 that i didn't remember about so that almost covers the tow truck i didn't need to have come help me. or the new tire i'll have to get since the spare, even though it is full sized, has a different tread pattern and is on an ugly, mismatched, rusty rim.

and i'm still 3 people shy of getting my free wii and there are 4 people who have signed up but didn't complete their offers so i could easily have had it by now.

:angry: :furious: :furious3: :veryangry2: :wall: :wreck:


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Holy moly! Ya know when you just have one of those days that couldn't get any worse? I guess sometimes it just turns into one of those weeks that can't get worse! I hope it takes a turn for the better!


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
rhino43grr said:
and i'm still 3 people shy of getting my free wii and there are 4 people who have signed up but didn't complete their offers so i could easily have had it by now.

:angry: :furious: :furious3: :veryangry2: :wall: :wreck:

After searching for the Wii for 2 months I finally got mine on February 7th.

I paid $250 for it but I have it and you don't!! :p

I'm just messin with ya. It sounds like you've had one crappy week. Things will turn around soon. :main_thumbsup:


so it's looking like the money i was going to use to go up to pennsylvania is going to have to be put toward buying a pair of new tires for the front of my car since it's apparently impossible to find a tire that matches the ones i have now... the cheapest tires i can find to fit my car are $120/each but my car is getting out of alignment from running on the spare which despite being "full size" is actually secretly smaller than the other three tires i think. i know for a fact that it's on a smaller rim at least.

oh and i finally picked up the futon we ordered and had to put it together myself. today. a full week after we were told it would be there and three days after all our guests left. but it "really finishes off this room"

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