Best substrate and heating for leopard geckos


New Member
I am hopefully picking up a much needed tank upgrade for my girl this week and have been thinking about a bioactive substrate, but I know I definitely want to give her more depth to burrow and dig, so I was thinking a topsoil: playsand: excavator clay mix (60:30:10 is what I've seen recommended) would be ideal for this?

I currently have both my leos on heat mats, but want to get them overhead heating instead. I was thinking DHPs might be a good option as they have no visible light. My room gets quite cold at night so they need some heating to turn on throughout the night without creating light to disrupt their day/night cycle. However I've heard mixed reviews, some saying DHPs are a good option, some saying that they should only be a supplemental heat source? I want the vest option for them but I also don't want them to be constantly irritated through the night by a bright light when the temperature drops too much.

Any advice is appreciated

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