Best Substrate for Newly Blind Leopard Gecko?


New Member
So, I've been trying to do some research for the best type of substrate to put my (newly) blind Leopard Gecko on. I currently have him on paper towels, but am unsure if that is the best decision for him. I can't seem to find a whole lot of information on substrate. I've seen stuff about eco earth (but that makes me nervous for the same reason sand makes me nervous), paper towels, and tile (but having to go to a strictly under the tank heating system I'm nervous that the heat won't seep through properly).

Any and all suggestions are VERY welcome.

Thank you!

Greg Groves

New Member
I'm new here, but I'll put in my two cents worth. I use ceramic tile on the floor of my beardie habitat. I'm even so anal that I grouted all the cracks so stray insects wouldn't have a place to hide. The tile is a breeze to clean and sanitize, and you can put reptile carpet or a paper product on it without a problem.

Oh, and the tile is inexpensive. I spent less than $20 on the tile and grout.

These aren't the best pictures, but here they are anyway.


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