Bibron Vs Turners. PLO

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario
Hello and g'day all.

I've been givin a brief explanation in the past regarding how and why there are really no true bibron geckos in N. America, but I've never come to a conclusion.

So with that said, I would like positive input and feedback regarding my related searches.

Here are my sources:

So if I get this straight, (again all feedback welcomed) in 1948 South Africa (as a country) introduced apartheid.

Apartheid- "Under which the rights of the majority 'non-white' inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and white supremacy and minority rule by Afrikaners was maintained."

From the 50's - 80's there was next to zero trade between south africa and any other nations.

It got so bad that other nations we're influencing neighbouring nations to boycott S.Africa.

In the 1980s, the anti-apartheid movements in the United States and Europe were gaining support for boycotts against South Africa, for the withdrawal of U.S. firms from South Africa and for the release of Mandela. South Africa was becoming an outlaw in the world community of nations.

1981 - The Treaty establishing the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa was signed in December 1981, as a first step towards higher forms of regional economic cooperation and integration to bring about sustainable growth and development of Member States. The Treaty came into force in September 1992 following ratification by nine Member States.

With the PTA in effect S.Africa started working exports and imports with other country’s, not long later COMESA came into effect. COMESA main goal was to maintain the rise in economics that the PTA had started.

COMESA: member States of S.Africa have agreed on the need to create and maintain:

-a full free trade area guaranteeing the free movement of goods and services produced within COMESA and the removal of all tariffs and non-tariff barriers;

-a customs union under which goods and services imported from non-COMESA countries will attract an agreed single tariff all COMESA States;
free movement of capital and investment supported by the adoption of common investment practices 50 as to create a more favourable investment climate for the entire COMESA region:

-a gradual establishment of a payments union based on the COMESA Cleaning House and the eventual establishment of a common monetary union with a common currency;
the adoption of a common visa arrangement, including the right of establishment leading eventually to free movement of bona fide persons.

You guys are more than welcome to look over the sources, but i believe that during this period where nations were boycotting Africa that Bibrons gecko (P. Bibronii) were not exported into N. America.

Feel free to add input! Enjoy!

Lee Carpenter.


Ruled by Reptiles
I can kind of see your point, and maybe I'm just not reading it right...But isn't it possible that they were imported recently, then? o_o?

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario
nowadays, 2011, people in N america and experienced hobbyist's are having to take an extra 5 seconds to determine the species, in Africa where they are wholesaling these animals by the thousands are probably not being ID'd properly. There is a mess of inter-species breeding. Regardless of how you look at it, I believe after this research it's next to impossible to have a bibron of pure bloodline.

sites were saying hundreads to thousands of dollars for a live specimen.

After search after search i've only come arcross one seller who's located in Europe somewhere.

again hope it helps.

I see 10 people view the thread so far, leave some feedback :) !
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Ruled by Reptiles
Oooh. I understand that most "Bibron's" aren't of pure blood.
Considering Rose was only $8, I'm starting to wonder again.. :/
The care for a Bibron's and Turners is similar, though, right? I would hate to find out I've been caring for her wrong for an entire half-year. >_<

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario
They are similar yes but not exactly the same, or the bibron would be living in the same region as turner. Humidity levels are slightly higher for bibrons, both are living on rocky surfaces/ semi aboreal. Both grow to around the same weight and length. Breed during the same months, Have similar temperatures. I believe your rose is doing just fine from what i can see in pictures.

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