Bigger problem with the one that wouldn't stick

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario
Okay so this 12-18month proven breeder, tailless and as of march 2 34Grams.

He's housed in a 12x12x18 Zoomed terr.

He is in quite a cooler apartment with us, especially during the winter season, so we do have a 40W on during the day and a heating pad 24/7. His warm side sits at about 74 during the day and 70-71 at night.

The Terrarium has the zoo-med "Forest/Jungle" substrate and the pieces of bark are too big for him to take in to cause impaction.

He's been on a good eating routine as far as i knew. supplying him crickets 1-2times a week and the repashy diet daily. I see the white poop marks all over his one hiding hut, so I'm ALMOST positive he's eating.

I find sheddings stuck to him about every2-3 weeks, usually stuck on his feet. (this was his biggest climbing problem to those who seen my previous posts... which we greaty improved on) so i'm again almost sure he was shedding properly.

I'm really really startled/scared and now desperately upset to awake this morning and find him clinging to his corkbark looking lifeless. After taking him out and him not looking, feeling or acting himself. He was deffidently very light, after weighing him at 23Grams??!?!? He was 34Mar 2.

As of now i've tried hand feeding some diet, that didn't work.
supplying a smoothie, putting in 1 small cricket.
I've also put him into our quarantine tank, which is alot smaller, to try and just keep everything close for him.

I'm not quite sure if he's gonna make it:main_no:

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