Blind Leopard gecko, advice?


New Member
So, I am primarily into the Rhac family geckos... I am very experienced with my cresties and gargoyles. But, I recently decided I wanted a leopard gecko. Seeing enough posts and pics convinced me, plus the care isn't too much more intricate than a crestie. Just sand instead of vines and less humidity.... well, I went a wandering for a gecko. I had checked two stores and gone home not finding the perfect fit. I then felt restless after searching the internet and figured hell.... lets check out the petsmart. When I get there, they have one worth looking at. After talking to the department manager, he asked me how I would feel about a free gecko since I seemed pretty into reptiles. I was intrigued. He took me upstairs to their office and showed me the little beauty below... she is blind, and must be hand fed. She was perfect, pink and cute. Scared to death when grabbed (of course) but she needed me.... As an Optician and Reptile lover, she is my baby. Her name is Zatoichi, Ichi for short.

Now, to all the Leo lovers and experts out there..... I would like to find a way to work with her to know the difference feeding time, and handling time. I'm thinking by smell? I don't know, or maybe even sound or texture? Advice or ideas?

I am keeping her enclosure simple, with a shallow dish for water and just a hut. It is a 12x12x12. I think I should keep her in a smaller (not super small though) tank to keep her area more comfortable. She is exactly 5 inches tip to tip, and 19.61g with a pretty plump tail. How much exactly should a juvie this size eat?
Any feed back on this matter, or experience, or info on what they react to would be great!
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Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
There's a couple problems there.
First, you should definitely get rid of the sand, it causes many more problem. They end up ingesting sand, which causes blockages in their stomachs and end up making them sick.killing them, especially if she's blind.
I'm guessing you should start with 4, feed 5 if she poops daily.
What lighting do you have, and do you have an under tank heat pad?
A small tank would be good, can you take pics of the current tank?
Sucks that she's blind, what lighting are you using now? I wouldn't use lights at all as of right now, if it's possible to heal, don't use lights. Her pupils are wide open, which means that she's letting all the light in her eyes, so the lights may be doing more harm then good.
Use reptile carpet or paper towels for substrate.


New Member
Wow. So right on the sand, its gone- or I would have replied sooner. She is now on paper towel. She does lick around alot, so you are so right- sand was a bad idea. Thank you!

Currently she has an under tank that is keeping her at the right temps. I'm avoiding lights for the very reason you said- I actually meant to have the flash off in that pic of her. But, the lack of constriction confirms things a bit. The light is pretty mellow in the room she is in, I keep the over all temp in the room over 70, under 80 at all times since I have like 30 cresties and gargoyles in here. She is the only on my desk so no one jumps at her from another tank and I can see her more regularly. She is in a 12x12x12 exo terra tank. Does that sound ok?

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
Ive heard of people cutting the mealworm in half and squeezing a little of the guts out. Apparently their guts taste and smell great, but id always feed wi forceps, so there's more space for her to grab on to the mealworm, and she won't think your fingers are food.

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New Member
haha, yes, I'd like to avoid that. I'm hoping she gets used to my scent or something. The guy at the store just grabbed her with out even touching her or warning her he was there- she screamed. I didn't know they made any noises, it was so sad. When I pulled her out to get rid of the sand, I touched her side first. She got up and put her tail up defensively, but she didn't really run, and she didn't cry. It went pretty well. About scent- can she really learn mine? from like a t-shirt of something?

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
For me, id try to put my hand in for at least 5 mins a day. Put your knuckle down on the tank floor, and lay out your fingers in front of her.

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Well-Known Member
Sounds like the changes you have made are great, I'm glad to see your posting again. I'm proud of you for taking in a gecko that needs help, It takes devotion and time to care of those geckos though like Caleb said, Keep those lights off stay with UTH's, Belly heat is important for Digestion and saves you money because your not purchasing 7 Bulbs every 3 Months. Well thats how it works for me, But 30$ per bulb adds up. Sand is a big No for every species unless its required. Carpet and Paper towel are much safer. Though its great that you took advice. Caleb I also have an eye Issue. Neo's eyes have been bothering him. It started off as one eye and Amanda had suggested it had been bruised so I was waiting for it to heal but now hes always closing both eyes though he licks the one that was bothering him before. He uses an Infrared Light ( Red Light ) as well as one of my other leopard geckos but his eyes are possibly being more affected because hes part Bell Albino ( I think, He looks like one ). Any way that Photo Geckotopia provided is beginning to look like his left eye. Please Message me about this, REALLY SORRY to inturput your post Geckotopia, I just had to make sure Caleb saw this. By the way I think your gecko's name is Fantastic :cool:

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
I actually don't think that it will be much different, it would just take a bit more time. Shedding might be a bit of a problem, just make sure you move him to a humid hide when he's shedding.


New Member
Gotta love a blind samuri right?

While we have Caleb's attention... any advice on the hand feeding? I tried using tongs to present a gooey meal worm while she was walking around, I then tried while holding her... she licked it alot and tried to get away. She licked some guts off her nose so I tried a cricket mush with a little liquid calcium.... she licked her nose a little, but mostly shook it off. Am I doing something wrong? Or should I just keep trying and chop it up to her being new and not hungry yet?

I left a small dish of the fluker's leopard gecko diet in there, I misted it lightly- it seemed stinky and I thought she might find that in a pinch on her own. Your opinion on that?

On the bright side, she was pretty calm sitting in my hand, she ran a bit but once I had her, she was really mellow :)


New Member
Oh, and thank you for the kind words Darkmaster, I didn't mean to be away for so long, but I now have 4 dogs, 32 geckos, (a bright red stud coming Wednesday to make 33) a pacman frog and now Zatoichi.... I have a zoo!!! Lol!!!

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
You might want to think about getting a box of flukers repta boost, I have a box, and its supposed to give them nutrients through a paste. I'm guessing that she's stressed from being in a new environment, just give her a week before you try anything. With a nice fat tail like that, she can last a good amount of time before eating, and she's probably a great eater, too.


Well-Known Member
Good god. That is a ton, You got quite the handful :eek: Im already having trouble maintaining a Dog, Cat, A Rat, 6 Leopard geckos, 2 Hedge hogs, and a Bird but 32? THATS INSANE. I mean I would enjoy having those but that sounds time consuming, Hahaha I hope your Blind Samuri gets better. Please post more, Or dont leave us xD I like knowing whats going on with every body. Got to keep this forum running ya know? FORUM POWA. Once again good luck with all those pets :) You can never have enough.


New Member
2 eggs hatched late last night- make it 34 with 35 arriving tomorrow. Lol, fortunately the majority are crested geckos- so they are pretty easy to maintain. Zatoichi is my only Leo, and going to stay that way. I wanted a special one, I sure got it! lol


New Member
In my opinion-yes. Living in Southern Cali, my cresties require absolutely no heating. They eat repashy. I feed all my geckos, plus give 2 weeks of food with every baby, and spend $35 every 4 months. I just fill a dish every other day, and give crickets once every week or 2 as a treat. My one pacman frog is about $5 a week to feed. That makes them very easy. And as far as handling.... lets say I don't hold Johnny Bravo (crested) for 3 weeks..... he is still just as tame and unlikely to bite me. Now, that may be true of leopards too- I'm not sure. My first one happens to be blind and a little touchy,lol. I am considering getting a second one to keep separate just to have a frame of personal reference on what is normal behavior.

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
I want to get a crestie or a gargoyle now :p
Which would you prefer?
Only times i've been bitten was when I had calcium powder on my fingers and the first day I brought them home. How they react is just based on the individual's personality.


New Member
Hm....... I have both. I love my gargs, but I feel they can be flightier than a creative. An adult creative is pretty easy to predict they always aim for up, the highest point. So they are more likely to jump for your head then hide under a dresser,lol. Hey, you are in Cali trade u a creative for a Leo ;-)

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